Two differentiating factors that make the content interesting

Two differentiating factors that make the content interesting

There has been a long debate on whether the short-form content is taking over the content creation game and whether the value of long-form content has disappeared.

When you look at Snapchat, when you look at TikTok and what those platforms did to content creation, and that wave was then joined by Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels and other platforms coming up with similar features.

Since those times, there has been a heavy debate whether an individual should create long-form content or not, and more over, whether anyone would consume such long-form content, or rather have the attention to consume it.

Is that the case though? And have we really shifted to a time where people’s attention cannot be captured for over 60 seconds?

There are two differentiating factors that set the content apart, with respect to the platforms and with respect to the attention of the consumer – motivation and an individual’s interests.

An individual’s interests is key here, because if they’re really interested and invested into that particular topic, then irrespective of the duration, they’ll consume it.

Secondly, those interests need to be mixed with motivation. Sure, one might be interested, but are they motivated enough to put in that time and energy into consuming it, not just once, but again and again from that same creator?

Those two differentiating factors, once thought about, set your approach differently, irrespective of what the trends say, irrespective of where the current attention is, any form of content and any duration of content will always be consumed.

The Same Social Media Tips

The Same Social Media Tips

With the commonality of how the social media platforms work, how the creators create and how the audience consumes that content, there is a common thread amongst it all.

That thread is then studied and observed and then shared as tips to succeed on a particular platform and what you can do to create there.

Such tips are then cherished by all as finding a treasure would be to some.

Those same tips are refurbished into different pointers and then circulated, with everyone then following those same tips and tricks.

However, if there is one thing about creation of anything, it is that everything is unique to that particular individual.

Two people creating content in the same genre have different tastes, different point of views, a different perspective of looking at everything and that is the reason both may succeed at generating an audience.

Everyone has a different approach, a different tone of conveying what they’d like to convey, a different way of interacting and that uniqueness cannot be learnt.

It comes with you. Those cannot be summarized into tips and then be learnt by everyone.


5 Years of Zazz

5 years ago, 1st of December 2015, the journey of Zazz started for me, with the then introduction of Zazz Media, my digital agency set with an intent to build brands online.

With that being the goal for Zazz Media, the ulterior motive was to introduce the Zazz in people’s lives, at the time through marketing.

With time and changes, lessons have been learned, approach has been changed, experimentations have happened and some failed as well.

But, what remains constant is the influence and impact of Zazz that needs to be introduced.

Now, along with marketing, another macro layer that has been added, that I’m super passionate about is to Zazz people’s lives, introduce awareness and a different outlook to life than what is currently lived.

That journey is super long, but the seeds are planted day by day, the impact of which clearly cannot happen in a day or month, but that is what the journey is about.

Even after 5 years of Zazz, it feels like a fresh start, a new beginning, a new sense of drive and motivation to surely make it a 50 years of Zazz.

The Digital Push

The Digital Push

If the push towards digital wasn’t huge already, the current crisis has certainly made it so.

Why digital? That answer is easy, because it provides the ease of access, you can connect with anyone and everyone, with the location becoming irrelevant.

For an individual or brand to reach the next level, to flourish, they have to take a step towards becoming digital, towards connecting with their audience. (this most certainly applies to our MSMEs)

Right from team communications, to live streaming, to building a community, to selling a product or service, all the essentials of building a company has pushed towards digital.

Whenever something saves time and money and makes it easier for you to do something, there is no second thought whether that would be the future or not.

And digital is that. If you haven’t already or if you’re second-guessing or stuck with something, you need to overcome that and start now.


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You don’t need to have a blog or a podcast

You don’t need to have a blog or a podcast

Whenever it comes to building a brand, or creating content, it often boils down to, where all should I be present?

Social Media, of course.

What else?

Should I do a blog?

Or, should I start a podcast?

What are the current trends?

Where should you align towards?

And the answer’s really simple.

You don’t need to have a blog or a podcast, neither of it is compulsory for you.

Neither is a guarantee that your brand will be a success.

Neither defines your brand either.

The two forms of creating content, via text or audio, are just forms of the process through which you can choose to express yourself.

If you feel comfortable with either of them, or both of them, it’s up to you personally, whether you want to go down that road or not.

Sure, those paths have their own journey, the strategies are different, the outcomes are different when you do it vs when you don’t.

However, no trends or no numbers should force you into doing something that you’re not comfortable with.

Proceed with creating content and building your brand on your own terms. Not on anyone else’s.


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Also, check out my podcast here and my weekly newsletter here.

Building your Reputation

Building your Reputation

RTH24 - Blog Banners (581)

Building your brand is building your reputation – you build it brick by brick. Stone by stone.

It takes a good number of years to do so. Sometimes even more.

You build it with the work you do, the results you get, the relationships you make, the deeds you do outside of work as well. What kind of a person you are, how do you deal with others, what kind of impact are you bringing to the table, what value are you providing – everything counts as reputation – everything counts as the brand.

When you say you’re building a personal brand, its not just about posting content on social media under your name. It’s not limited to designing a logo or creating fancy content.

You are building your brand at every moment of time, with everyone around you. It’s everything that is mentioned above that makes your personal brand.

Said that the online platforms are considered a major factor in the process because, with the access to the people and tools, it is easier than ever for you to spread your work, to spread your word, to spread your impact.

That is why building a personal brand is key, but only if you want to build yourself to that level, your reputation to that level, and bring that kind of impact on the table.


Get these blogs on your mail here.

Also, check out my podcast here and my weekly newsletter here.

Trend after Trend

Trend after Trend

When it comes to creating content and marketing your company or your personal brand, one often gets lost in the trends.

Day after day, week after week and month after month, and sometimes for years, various kinds of trends keep popping up time and again.

Because these trends are always in the talks, especially from the consumers’ point of view, is when the brands or creators decide to create some form of content in that direction as well.

Since the topic is trending, their content piece might also become the talk of the town, and even if not, it would certainly get more engagement than usual.

Usually, the brands alter their content to the trend and yet keep it specific to their brand, so there’s a mix of both when it’s out there.

But what gets annoying is the amount of Trending Topics that keep popping up and then the ones creating the content try to jump at every opportunity, in order to get in front of the audience.

Sometimes, this applies to both types of brands – company and individual, they need to maintain a balance between the content they usually post and the ones aligned with the trending topics.

Also, being on the hunt for those specific trends which somewhat align with their brand values as well. Doing that then actually is a boost to the brand when one is able to do that.

Nonetheless, the steps while creating content need to be a smart one, thinking more about the brand and less about the engagement.


I have a daily podcast too, Mindset Marketing Movies – an RTH24 podcast – daily digestible episodes on mindset, marketing and movies.

You can listen to it at –
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Consume before you Create

Consume before you Create

Quite a few number of times, one of the issues, especially when it comes to creating content for the first comes down to this…

“I have no idea how to start creating and how should I proceed.”

At such a point, instead of jumping on to courses and curricula, another thing that could be done on our own is to research.

Based on the platform where you want to create content, consume some content out there, understand what the creators are doing, how they post about their interests and how does their community react to their content.

With such a simple process, there’s so much learning that can be done without any academic learning of sorts.

Consume, learn, experiment, test and finally, start creating.


I have a daily podcast too, Mindset Marketing Movies – an RTH24 podcast – daily digestible episodes on mindset, marketing and movies.

You can listen to it at –
Spotify|| Apple Podcasts || Breaker|| JioSaavn || PocketCasts || Google Podcasts

Using your Smartphone to your advantage!

Using your Smartphone to your advantage!

The smartphone that you’re holding, the same one in which you consume content on the various social media platforms and even share them with your friends and family…

How about using this device to your advantage?

How about creating content to build your personal brand, be it of any sector, and share what you know?

Share some valuable content of what you know, who you are and everything that could be valuable to the audience.

In this process, you also build your community and also walk a little further on the path of achieving your goal, whatever it may be.

How is that possible?

Well, when you put out valuable, authentic content, you also open doors to more opportunities and more connections, you get to network with people you didn’t know, you build a community of people with similar interests to yours and that process helps you move forward in your journey.

It’s that simple decision of using your smartphone to your advantage instead of it just being a time-consuming device.

A simple change in the thought process where you still do what you were doing, but now also giving, sharing some good content that you have within you and also putting some positivity out there.

All of this, just with your smartphone.


I have a daily podcast too, Mindset Marketing Movies – an RTH24 podcast – daily digestible episodes on mindset, marketing and movies.

You can listen to it at –
Spotify|| Apple Podcasts || Breaker|| JioSaavn || PocketCasts || Google Podcasts

This will change how you view content.

This will change how you view content.

This will change how you view content…

Do you know what I’m talking about?





and what does it mean?

They are misleading titles used to attract your attention and then encourage you to click on that particular link and spend some more time on their website.


The question I want to focus on is this, why do marketers still focus on this technique?

Well, the easiest way to explain is this…

Because the audience still falls for it every time.

And that gets them more views.

Which also means more ad views.

You understand the story here, right?

How can we change that?

We, as the AUDIENCE, need to be more smarter with what we consume.

To also make sure that we don’t fall for headlines.

What that also means is, to be more interested in the content than the headline.

And lastly, follow the authentic kind of publishers who post the right kind of information.

We aim for a world of authenticity and value.

As the creator/ publisher, providing value and not deception should be the focus.

Provide more value/ extra content than what you have already posted initially, when it comes to redirecting to your websites.

And more importantly, do it the right way.

When you do it right, the audience will fall in love with you and not a particular piece of content.

Likes are a Vanity Metric

Likes are a Vanity Metric

It’s 2020 and either for themselves or for their brands, people are still hunting for likes.

In a constantly evolving world, where creators are on the lookout for what works and what doesn’t, ‘social media likes’ are clearly not the way to decide the outcome of that.

They are a vanity metric which is still used to check the success of a particular creative.

Whereas we need to move beyond that and focus on what attracts the audience’s attention, what makes them comment, what makes them share something, what makes them save something.

A creative needs to be really valuable for someone to save them for later viewing. For someone to share it with others. Those are metrics to measure against. That creates a long-term bond with the brand which then continues with other avenues.

Which direction are you aligning towards? Likes or Shares and Saves?

3 Questions to ask yourself before you post anything!

3 Questions to ask yourself before you post anything!

Whenever anyone is wanting to create content for any social media platform, one of the questions that arise in their mind is, ‘Will this post work?’
There’s a constant worry around this question and sometimes it stops people from posting what they truly want to share. In a constant dilemma of engagement, what gets affected is the content.

To solve that issue in the easiest manner I could think of, here are 3 questions you should ask yourself before you post anything –

1. Is this genuine to me or am I posting just for the sake of it?

2. Does this provide value to my audience?

3. Would I consume this if it came on my feed?

Simple questions to which if you could answer truthfully, you’ll find out that any and all types of content is post-worthy and there are no selection criteria to it.

This is the best time to create Content!

This is the best time to create Content!

Creating content, no matter the quantity, applies to every brand and individual when it comes to connecting with their audience and building their brand base online.

Its an ongoing battle to create content constantly which connects and aligns with the brand, keeping the different social media platforms in mind.

During this time of self-isolation, as you nust have already noticed, there has been an uprise of content everywhere.

However, there are a lot of people who are a bit skeptical as to whether they should create or not and what should they create.

Let me tell you this – this is the best time to create content on the social media platforms and let me also explain why.

Everytime when it comes to creating content, in terms of the corporate brand or the personal brand, the creator will think a few times whether its up to the mark or not, and whether it can be improved.

What I am about to say, applies especially to new creators, but also to everyone else as well.

With mostly everyone being isolated at their homes, and everyone being on their smartphones, on various social media platforms consuming content and thinking how should they spend their time wisely – they also know this – the one who is creating the content is also at home.

Now is that one time when you can focus only on your content, without focusing on the production, without focusing on the background, the lighting (not that you can shoot in darkness now, but you know what I mean), you can now compromise on the equipment (whether you have it or not) and just focus on the value to be provided to the audience.

Isn’t that crazy to think about?

Sure, the other things matter too, but not more than the content which is the essential element behind that video (I’m talking video here – because it is the most consumed type of content form right now).

This is the best form of a confidence booster for the creator, who doubts their content and who doubts whether what they created is postable or not.

Thus, why I say that this is the best time to create content.

Well, if you agree with this and/or if this has given you the confidence, go for it – start creating some content.


Disappearing Stories are now Everywhere!

Zazz Pink is now Official!

Zazz Pink is now Official!

Ever since 2015, with the initiation of Zazz Media, our brand colour has been Zazz Pink.

Denoting creative, wise and imaginative emotions, our colour has been applied to the other Zazz brands as well and has played an important role in creating our brand tone.

P.S. It also indicates optimism and calmness.

Therefore, without further ado, here it is…

We’ve officially coined our brand colour, Zazz Pink on Kolormark.

A Personal Brand is a “must-have”

A Personal Brand is a “must-have”

In today’s market, a personal brand is no longer a “like to have”, but a “must have”.

With people’s attention being shifted towards their smartphones and the majority of the people spending hours every day on social media platforms, it is easier than ever to reach out to your target audience and build a brand for yourself via these social media platforms.

With content playing the pivotal role, it is not about who is providing this content (or rather how famous you are), but about how valuable the content is and whether it appears in front of the right audience.


Why Now?
Well, it’s the Age of the Individual.

Every photographer, every writer, every poet, every gamer, every entrepreneur and people from other different professions now have the platform to create their brand.

I’ve written an article on ‘Why Now is the Right Time to build a Personal Brand?’click here to read it.


Speaking about different professions, here’s another reason why a personal brand is a must-have for you…

Whether you’re
– applying for college
– looking for an internship / applying for a job
– (freelancer) looking for a project
– starting your firm and looking for a team/ investors/ customers
– an influencer
– an industry expert,
in such or any other situation, irrespective of your industry, by your employer or by your customer, by your future employee or your audience, you’re being Googled.

I’ve written an article about this too, with an indepth deep-dive into how should you approach your personal brand, with respect to the above scenarios.

You can read it here.


Now, if you agree that a personal brand is something that you want to build for yourself, let me help you out a little bit more.

How about a few significant pointers that anyone (wanting to create their brand now or in the future) should know?

I’ve written an article, “How to build your Personal Brand?” which mentions that.

You can click here to read it.


We can both agree that people trust a face more than anything, and that’s what makes a personal brand so valuable.

Said that, the mission of my agency @ Zazz Media has been to help you build your brand on the social media platforms.

Thus, the above information.

However, if you think, you need some help with the brand tone/ message/ design or the brand strategy or the execution of day-to-day content, reach out to us at


If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, and if you do find my content interesting, it’d mean the world to me – if you subscribed.

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I’m pretty active on Twitter – documenting my thoughts there – let’s connect – @rth_24

Of course, the current culture is Instagram – let’s not forget to connect there too – @rth24


Lastly, I’m not the one to usually give call to actions – but – if you got value from this, it’d mean a lot if you would share it! That would really make my day – thanks!

Daily Sales, but not your Content!

Daily Sales, but not your Content!

As companies, everyone focuses on their sales on a day-to-day basis.

Of course, or else how will they run their business.

However, when it comes to selling their products and services, as consumers, people are now tired of the same old sales tactics and the same old selling that happens online.

Times are changing, Trends are changing, People’s consumption habits are changing!

Now, you need to have a different approach when it comes to approaching people online and it can’t be a once-in-a-while campaign about selling your product/service.

Now, the objective is to connect with your audience first, build a connection with them, provide valuable content for them to consume and once they feel they connect with the brand, they’ll buy the product themselves.

How do you reach that scenario though?

Well, in easy words, as you focus on your daily sales, start focusing on daily content creation as well.

A whole lot of brands on social media, with the objective of sell-only, have an irregular activity on their profiles, thus ignoring the potential of the platforms and the ability to build a relationship with the audience.

How can you, as a brand, proceed?

Have a brand strategy in hand, as to how you want to approach the platform, the audience, How do you want them to perceive your brand.

Then, create content accordingly.

But, Daily.

Multiple times a day.

That provides value to your audience.

It takes time, however, with different strategies and different execution styles, all being run simultaneously, your brand can have the growth and results you desire via the social media platforms.


Are you thinking of building your brand on social media?

Connect with us at or check out the company profile on Instagram @zazzmedia


If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, and if you do find my content interesting, it’d mean the world to me – if you subscribed.

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I’m pretty active on Twitter – documenting my thoughts there – let’s connect – @rth_24

Of course, the current culture is Instagram – let’s not forget to connect there too – @rth24


Lastly, I’m not the one to usually give call to actions – but – if you got value from this, it’d mean a lot if you would share it! That would really make my day – thanks!

Community Engagement is Necessary!

Community Engagement is Necessary!

As an individual or a brand on social media, it’s always been about more followers and likes, the “mark of success,” that everyone tends to forget the audience who are already connected with them.

Community Engagement is the #1 step to connect with and grow your audience.

Every social media platform has its own set of features to interact with your audience.

With Instagram as an example, you can interact on your DM as a one-on-one, another option would be either as polls or questions on your Instagram Stories.

However, the most important place is your comments! The place which people usually avoid.

A meaningful reply to a genuine comment, or at most, a ❤️ says that you appreciate and acknowledge what they’re saying.

Every piece of engagement builds further to this same person sharing your content, or connecting you with someone else who might be beneficial to your brand, as a potential customer.

It all starts with community engagement that leads to building a community.

Social Media is more than Followers and Likes

Social Media is more than Followers and Likes

As an advertising agency, or a brand, or an influencer, with every platform, everyone tends to focus on the followers and likes to measure their engagement. However, when it comes to reaching out to more people, social media is more vital than that.

With the tools available within the platform and externally too, there are insights which show impressions and people reached and profile visits, which shows the impact you’re making with your content.

The number of views and impressions should matter more because, from the long-term perspective of brand-building, these same people will see your content again and again, and eventually attract to it, if they’re your target audience.

Thus, initially, one’s focus should be on reaching out to more people, simultaneously creating genuine content which holds value to them, eventually building a community for your brand.

Platforms’ Effectiveness

Platforms’ Effectiveness

With the number of social media platforms available, which platform should your brand focus on?

Each of these platforms have a role to play, each have a specific type of audience, and they will perceive your brand differently.

In such a scenario, an in-depth study of the brand is needed to know which platform is useful for them and which is not.

Often, the sole focus goes only on Facebook and Instagram or sometimes, solely Instagram.

However, pertaining to the type of brand, there are times when a Pinterest or Snapchat or TikTok or even LinkedIn could turn out to be more impactful in terms of reaching out to your preferred audience.

Sometimes you need to be active on all the platforms available.

Every platform has a different exposure for your brand, and one should know how to turn it around and make it work for your brand.



Would you like to build your brand on social media?

Reach out to us at


If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, and if you do find my content interesting, it’d mean the world to me – if you subscribed.

Here’s the link –


I’m pretty active on Twitter – documenting my thoughts there – let’s connect – @rth_24

Of course, the current culture is Instagram – let’s not forget to connect there too – @rth24


Lastly, I’m not the one to usually give call to actions – but – if you have received some value from this, it’d mean a lot if you would share it ahead too! That would really make my day – thanks!

It cannot be done in one creative.

It cannot be done in one creative.

Have you heard this before?

“I want to explain my brand through this one fancy creative.”

“Do one infomercial post about the brand so people know who we are.”

“We are introducing a new product and we have to make one video about it.”

And more such examples.

But the bottom line is, the game of social media doesn’t work that way.

Keeping the algorithms of these various platforms in mind, and not to forget the attention span of the audience – considering the various amount of content they consume in one go…

It’s extremely difficult to focus on just one campaign, or one creative, or one video in particular that could make your case.

To be fair, there are a few that hit the mark but that’s because the brand is already built and people know it.

For everyone else, that one creative, even if it is a successful one, in terms of numbers, one cannot rely solely on it to get the true results.

True results is mainly getting the brand name out there, selling a product or a service, converting the audience basically.

Back to the topic of one creative, that’s not how one should approach it in the first place.

You have to think of it in macro terms. You have to think of the brand first, think of how the audience will perceive it and then plan accordingly.

Think if you’d be the consumer, and how you’d like to be told about this certain information. Are you focusing on this one-off thing or do you want to make it a long-term connection?

In terms of the latter, you have to know your target audience, know your product, provide value to them in terms of that, slowly and steadily, build your brand whilst the consumer themselves want to follow your content or buy your product or service in their own time.

Thinking of the macro, you have built your brand, built a community and also, sold your product or service.

The bottom line being, you cannot approach this entire process with one creative or one campaign being the only thing that would work for the brand.



Want to build your brand on social media?

Hit us up at


If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, and if you do find my content interesting, it’d mean the world to me – if you subscribed.

Here’s the link –


I’m pretty active on Twitter – documenting my thoughts there – let’s connect – @rth_24

Of course, the current culture is Instagram – let’s not forget to connect there too – @rth24


Lastly, I’m not the one to usually give call to actions – but – if you got value from this, it’d mean a lot if you would share it! That would really make my day – thanks!

#336 Keep your message crystal clear!

#336 Keep your message crystal clear!

While creating your social media profiles, either for your personal brand or your professional brand, your message should be absolutely clear.

Anyone visiting your profile wants to know the ‘WHY’.

Why should they follow you?

How would they benefit from following you?

This message especially applies to anyone who wants to create their personal brand.

  • Keep your base simple,
  • Stick to it and,
  • Ensure you’re authentic about your content.

Keep your Bio, your Posts, your Story Highlights as clear as possible; it helps the audience understand the message you’re trying to convey.

Spend More, Earn More

Spend More, Earn More

To grow your brand to the next level, you need to advertise.

To reach your target audience, you need to invest a decent sum of money in your advertising and marketing budget.

“The man who stops advertising to save money is the man who stops the clock to save time.”

To put it simply, if your brand is new to the market or if you’re planning to launch a new segment/product, you need to reach a specific set of people to get your sales going.

If you don’t spend enough, you won’t reach to sufficient people and the results won’t make a difference.

“Your agency would advise you and suggest you, but at the end, it’s up to you whether you want to reach the next level or not.”

A detailed example would be as such if your revenue is between 10 lacs INR and 20 lacs INR on a monthly basis, does it do justice to the fact that you spend only 20,000 INR to increase your sales. #SpendMoreEarnMore


Is there an Audience?

Is there an Audience?

Do you want to build your brand? Do you want to create content? Do you want to build a community?

Well, there’s one question that should be asked before any other question.

Is there an audience to what you’re providing should be the first question that should be asked.

Sometimes, people create content or create products/services for which there’s no want. That’s also because there was no audience for it in the first place.

Once, that has been defined, then you know exactly who to target and who to not. The demographics should be clear in your head before you create anything.


Now or Never for Social Media!

Now or Never for Social Media!

There’s a prime era for every medium – there was a time for newspapers/ radio ads/ TVCs/ SEM and now is the prime time for social media.

Sure, everything still works, but not the same way it used to.

Now, the thing to understand is, the same will happen with social media as well.

Whether with regards to the platform or wherever the wave turns to, this time shall pass too and we shall move on to the next thing.

Its Now or Never!

Now is the time to start building on social media – start creating – start sharing – it’s now or never!


Quality is Subjective

Quality is Subjective

Quality is Subjective!

Who decides whether your post/design/caption/campaign is up to the mark or not?

Certainly, not the creator.

What is good for you, might not be for the one consuming it and vice versa.

At the same time, gone are the days when you could work on one creative only, try to make it perfect and pray that it works for the brand.

Now, there’s not one perfect thing anymore.

Quality is surely not dismissed here, however, the quantity is increased – so you can create more, in order to experiment more, in order to reach more people and cater to their individual interests.

It’s a Permission First World!

It’s a Permission First World!

With the change in trends, and the rise of social media, it’s the not the same anymore to sell a product or a service.

Its not the same old sell-sell-sell anymore.

Times have changed and we have to change with them! It’s a Permission First World now!

What does that mean?

In order to sell whatever you’re selling, you have to ensure whether the customer is genuinely interested in your brand or not.

Once they are on board, they are also giving you the permission to sell them now and this time, you’ve made a sale without selling.


Billboards v Social Media

Billboards v Social Media

What’s a better choice, billboards or social media?

Well, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

If we twist that statement to what provides you with better impact, then in that case, marketing on social media gives you a lot more opportunities.

  • Instead of depending on one creative to work, you can work on hundreds of more creatives which can be run in that same span of time.
  • You can create different types of contextual creatives for your target audience.
  • Since you have the tools to speak with your audience, there is more transparency and clarity here.
  • The social media platforms are free.
  • Not to forget, you can reach to a lot more people than what you would spend on a billboard.

Knowing this, you can decide for yourself with what works and what doesn’t, what provides more opportunities and what’s more expensive.



If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, and if you do find my content interesting, it’d mean the world to me – if you subscribed.

Here’s the link –


I’m pretty active on Twitter – documenting my thoughts there – let’s connect – @rth_24

Of course, the current culture is Instagram – let’s not forget to connect there too – @rth24


Lastly, I’m not the one to usually give call to actions – but – if you got value from this, it’d mean a lot if you would share it! That would really make my day – thanks!

The base of Personal Branding!

The base of Personal Branding!

When it comes to building a personal brand, everyone worries about the content to be created, pictures to be clicked and the selling that needs to be done, but trust is an important factor which is often overlooked.

The trust layed down by the audience towards you, trusting with what you say.

Whilst building your brand, one shouldn’t forget the foundation that it is built on, i.e. trust – everything starts from there and everything done thereafter, should be done with that trust in mind.

Once the audience loses that trust, irrespective of what you bring to the table, the essence is already lost.

What’s ‘perfect’ in marketing?

What’s ‘perfect’ in marketing?

Are you looking for the perfect creative? The perfect caption? The perfect marketing campaign?

What if it doesn’t work out though?

That’s the thing about ‘perfection’. Its only perfect for you, but might not be for the audience. Or rather, it could be perfect for some of the people, but not for others.

Instead of looking for one perfect trick in the bag, the better option is to do more for all, so in that case, one could work for some and another for the rest.

That also helps to experiment more and understand your audience better, not to forget, also broadening the horizons of your brand.


Quantity > Quality?

Quantity > Quality?

Whenever there has been a talk about quantity, the question also shifts to whether the quality would be affected because of that?

Here’s the scenario which explains that in the best way possible –

Would you rather focus on one creative, put all your efforts into it and it gives you 30% of the expected results?


Would you create 50 content pieces which might give you 80% of the expected results, and at the same time, keep your audience constantly connected with you?

More quantity doesn’t mean comprising on quality, they go hand-in-hand. It only allows you to create more/ experiment more and get you more results in the process.


Difference between Feedback and Opinions

Difference between Feedback and Opinions

In either of the two scenarios, whether you’re starting out on social media or whether you already have a good audience, there are times when people stumble upon certain opinions which hinders their mental state and their progress.

At such times, it’s important to know the difference between feedback and opinions.

What’s Feedback?
– information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

What’s an opinion?
– a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

The difference between the two matters and it also affects you and your growth.

Many a times, we let certain opinions define us, define our work and makes us question whether we should proceed or not – these opinions aren’t substantial enough for some change to take place – quite often, they’re out of spite, being envious or simply seeking attention.

Feedback on the other hand, improves you as a creator. Feedback has its voice, it has its reasoning – it matters – it makes you put in more effort so you can grow and make necessary changes, if needed.

As a creator, or anyone creating on social media, one should learn to know the difference between the two and act according to the situations.

It is important for you, as an individual, to not let anything disturb your state of mind whilst your goal is to provide value to the very same people.


My 2019 in a nutshell!

My 2019 in a nutshell!

There’s always a perspective of looking at things – you can choose to see all the good there is and be satisfied with it.

Not all days of the year are what you think they should be, there are ups and downs for everyone – could be related to your health – physical and mental – your work, your relationships, your family, your friends, your day-to-day.

Anyone can achieve something, anyone can have problems – what you can do is, look at yourself, look at how your year has been – see the good in it and push yourself to do even better the next year.

Here’s my 2019 in a nutshell –

Difficulty in creating content?

Difficulty in creating content?

One of the great strengths of building a personal brand or even with posting consistent valuable content comes from passion!

Does what you do or what you talk about make you happy? Do you feel you could do it all day long – do you feel you could immerse yourself into the process? That’s what it takes to create content, that’s what it takes to build a brand, that’s what it takes to build a community.

When you aren’t posting authentically or creating a fake persona, you’ll probably struggle after a while – and it’ll have a complete opposite effect of what we discussed above.

Now you have two choices – either be yourself, share what you love, and build authentically or show yourself as someone you’re not, struggle with creating content, and act being happy.

Your choice – the better suggestion would be, do more of what makes you happy.


Keep your information ready!

Keep your information ready!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Design #2 – Keep Your Info Ready •Any creator knows the importance of placements in a creative; and the efforts it takes to change everything when either you’d forgotten something or it was communicated at the last minute, nonetheless, the efforts it takes to re-create that design then.

As a creator, it then takes double the time it would’ve taken, the process frustrates you and there’s a bit of discontent in your mind.

So what’s the best thing to do then?

Before designing the creative, before researching/deciding about the elements, text and font, the first thing to do is to keep all your information ready.

Once you have that in hand, then you can proceed with ease and plan the rest of it accordingly.


Would you consume your own content?

Would you consume your own content?

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #29 – Would you consume your own content? •Millions and millions of content pieces are created and consumed every day on the social media platforms.

People ask,
what type of content should they create,
what type of content would get them more engagement,
what would get them more attention?

The answer’s quite simple. The one you would have consumed yourself.

If you don’t find your own content worthy of consuming, or don’t find any value in it, then how would others.

This is the reason why you should create something that you love, something that you’re passionate about – because – then you’re able to speak/write with that energy and share those vibes with your audience as well.


Keep it Simple while Designing!

Keep it Simple while Designing!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Design #1 – Keep it Simple •

Often, when it comes to designing, the thought revolves around the message that has to communicated, the content, the elements, the colour, the fonts that have to be used and what not!

In that process, as a designer, as a social media manager, as a brand, one must keep it simple!

Simple always does the trick – sends the message across, the design is well appreciated and people tend to remember it.

Make sure there’s a reason behind every element behind used in the creative. Try not to use a lot of colours or fonts which could make it more complicated. Try to stick to the message as simply as possible.

Play with the basics – Keep it Simple!


#ZazzMedia #ZazzYourBrand

Tips on How to Zazz your Design – a new series

Tips on How to Zazz your Design – a new series

Our focus is to change the way people perceive brands on social media.

What comes along with building your brand on social media and creating your content, is also your design.

Thus, apart from sharing content on those topics, we are also starting a series where we would be sharing Tips on how to Zazz your Design.

What do we mean by Zazz your Design?

Add an element of uniqueness and awesomeness to your design. Each brand requires specific attention, and part of that attention has to be given to the design of the creative as well.

Whilst there are a lot of skilled people out there, we’d be sharing a few tips to the best of our capabilities.


• To connect on Instagram, click 👉🏻 @zazzmedia

What’s your excuse for not posting?

What’s your excuse for not posting?

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #27 – What’s Your Excuse? •

In today’s age of the internet and the social media platforms, sharing your content and building a brand and reaching to hundreds and thousands of people is now possible within your arm’s length.

Yet, people don’t make a move on the easiest opportunity that is available to us.

What’s Your Excuse?

You don’t have the perfect image for your content?
You don’t know how to write the perfect caption?
You aren’t up-to-date with the platform’s tools?

None of these and more are sound enough to not start now – you don’t need to make anything perfect – you need to start.

If you aren’t aware of the tools, Google it.

There are no good excuses which are legit to not create content and start posting on social media.


Building a Community

Building a Community

As an individual or a brand, it has always been about more followers and more likes.

Everyone tends to forget about the people who have already connected with them.

They are the ones where your primary focus should be.

Building your community that’s #1- cater to them – provide value – interact – and most importantly, don’t spam them.

Every member of this community counts! You’re building a relationship with this person and in return, whilst they trust you, they also help you build further – whether in terms of sharing your content, promoting your services or becoming a customer of your company – this community is for the long-term.

Adding to that, this community is not platform-specific, but brand-specific and it only scales up, if you pay attention to them.

Everyone wants a community, yet no one focuses on building one.


4 Years of Zazz

4 Years of Zazz

• Zazz Turns 4 •

The journey started on Dec 1, 2015, when Zazz Media began – a modern communications agency focused on building brands on social media

Over the years, with every client, we experimented, we learned, we developed, we levelled up – all thanks to them and their support and those relationships evolved over the years too.

Simultaneously, for me, my ambition grew from there and I realized my dreams are bigger than I realized.

The idea behind Zazzpreneurs, What’s the Zazz and others originated in 2016 and the ambition revolved around building the Zazz empire and ultimately, getting the word ‘Zazz’ added to the dictionary.

Until the 3rd year, my actions didn’t quite match up to my ambitions, I decided to act on it – the journey is long and the process is difficult, yet enjoyable.

We’re definitely further along than before, with Zazzpreneurs, Live the Zazz Life, What’s the Zazz, Travel the Zazz Way, It’s got the Zazz Vibe – along with Zazz Media.

Year 4 is up, going to be doing this until I add a 0 at the end of it! ❤️

Figure out your Marketing problems!

Figure out your Marketing problems!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #26 – Figure it out •

What type of content should I create?
What platforms should I focus on?
How should I build my community?

Questions like these and more revolve around anyone’s mind who’s trying to build their brand on social media.

Sure, there are a number of courses and e-books being distributed by people.

However, do you know what the best solution is?

Figure it out.

Google something you don’t know, Experiment and Figure it out.

It’s the best case scenario where you get to learn something from your own mistakes and you are more satisfied that it was your own efforts that got you to where you want to be.


Never Think Twice before Posting!

Never Think Twice before Posting!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #24 – Never Think Twice before Posting •

So often, people stop themselves from posting something that they love or they are passionate about.

Usually it’s the factor of external validation – “people aren’t appreciating this type of content and thus I do a certain kind of posts only”.

Why does this thought occur?
One, you’re addicted to the likes. Second, you’ve put your current audience on a pedestal.

If they don’t appreciate what you like to post about – then ultimately, what’s the point of having them. You aren’t able to open up and do what you love.

Social Media is a platform which allows you to open up, share your thoughts, document your journey, build a community – for this to happen, you also need to be passionate about the process.

Next time you plan on posting something, never think twice about it – just go for it.


Let’s Avoid Copy Pasting!

Let’s Avoid Copy Pasting!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #22 – Let’s Avoid Copy Pasting •

We all consume content on the social media platforms and we all have surely noticed a few rounds of posts being copy pasted from one account to another.

Not with an intention of calling anyone out, but has anyone else seen those black background posts with huge headlines in yellow and red and every other account posting the same stuff!

In the honor of creators and the audience and the platforms, here’s a social shout out – let’s avoid that.

Let’s be as original as possible.

Sure that takes time. That also means you’re willing to put in the work to create something.

That also means you love your audience and want to feed them with valuable content.

That also means you’re original and you’re doing something creative.

Let’s build something with our own two hands.

Let’s avoid copy pasting.

The Perfect Post – Does it exist?

The Perfect Post – Does it exist?

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #21 – The Perfect Post •

Would you create the perfect post or would you not post at all?

Technically, neither is a tangible option in today’s world.

There is no such thing as perfection – there’s no right way to create the perfect post. Secondly, the audience decides whether they align with your message or not. So you can only experiment with what works for your brand or not.

What’s the other option? To not post at all? With the platforms available at the tip of our fingers and the access to the people at scale, it doesn’t make sense why one wouldn’t create content and try to reach out to their audience!

The only way left is to create content, as much as possible, find out what works and try creating more of that, whilst simultaneously experimenting with new stuff as well so there’s some feeling of mystery for the audience as well.

What are you waiting for?

What should your first post be?

What should your first post be?

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #20 – Your First Post •

When it comes to posting for your brand or even individually, for your personal brand, people are often skeptical about the first creative they post on their profiles.

In terms of creativity or content, whether it is relatable to the brand or would the audience appreciate it, you surround yourselves with questions and doubt.

So what should your first post be?

Keep it natural, keep it raw and keep it about yourself. Don’t over do it and don’t over think it. Don’t have high expectations with just the first post.

Explain who you are, what you are, what is your vision and why should people follow you – keep it human.

The first post doesn’t define your social media profile, because you’ll be filling it with a lot more posts. At the same time, it is important for the first few people who will understand everything about you from that first post and may join you/ leave you forever.

Although, the most important thing is to start.

What’s Stopping You from Posting

What’s Stopping You from Posting

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #18 – What’s Stopping You •

What’s stopping you from posting?

It’s the time to start working on your brand – start posting content – what you are passionate about / what interests you – then what’s stopping you?

  • People’s Opinions

People are going to judge you irrespective of your presence online, the face-to-face and behind-the-back judgements never stop, so why not post because of such people.

  • Competition

Your fellow colleagues had a headstart and are performing better on social media – better how – social media metrics!
Your motive is to post for the audience you want to build, the numbers don’t matter. Plus if your content is valuable, then people will listen to you no matter how many other people they are following.

  • Impatience

Impatience towards getting more likes, more followers, reaching to a lot more people. During the start, people get hesitant with a few followers or not growing fast enough. Good content and patience for the long-term is the answer.

  • Comfort Zone

Mainly, people are in a comfort zone – the comfort of consuming over producing, the comfort of not taking the time out to create content, the comfort of who cares is on people’s minds.

At the end, what’s stopping you is yourself. If you want to build your Brand, if you want to build your community, if you want to share your word with people, you cannot let anything hinder that progress.

Start Now! #TipsOnHowToZazzYourBrand

The Cost of Entry is Zero

The Cost of Entry is Zero

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #17 – The Cost of Entry is Zero •

The number of social media platforms is endless and at this point in time, there is no way to focus on just one. To be present online, you have to present on at least more than one platform to garner attention towards your brand.

However, as we all know. Facebook’s organic reach has gone down over the last few months/ years, and next in line is Instagram. Soon, the platform’s organic reach will go down and it already is showing the indications.

When that happens, people will start complaining and ranting about social media platforms and raise questions about Instagram being one of the platforms who will make you promote ads and earn money.

Although, if you think about it, the answer is right there. Even if that happens, the cost of entry to this or any of the past or future platforms is still zero. The platform is free to use. It may become a bit difficult but still free.

When the cost of entry is zero, you cannot really dismiss a platform where you can reach out to hundreds and millions of people and build your community. Plus, you cannot complain about it either. There’s no alternative solution where you get to reach out to people and create content for them – so when you have it in front of you, why not take advantage of it.

Come to think of it now, you cannot really dismiss Facebook either, right?


Don’t forget your audience!

Don’t forget your audience!

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #14 – Engage with your Audience •

People are always on the lookout to identify new ways to get more followers, but fail to engage with their current followers.

Reply to each and every content that you receive – make sure that you interact with your audience.

Apart from replying to comments you receive, make it a point to engage with your audience as much as possible – ask them questions, polls, do a quiz, do a giveaway, any and all sorts of things which can keep your audience active with your content.

Your current audience gives way to your future followers as well, their interaction builds the path for the future followers to realize whether they should follow your account or not.

Engage – that’s the key. #TipsOnHowToZazzYourBrand

Top 5 Tips if you’re starting a new Blog!

Top 5 Tips if you’re starting a new Blog!

Whether it’s creating images for Instagram, or creating bite-sized informational tweets, or creating TikTok videos, the wave revolves from one platform to another, but the trend of blogging has been there forever.

Whether you’re an influencer, or a reviewer, or a content writer, a thought contributor or a thought leader, blogging has been the base for everyone. It gives you the platform to express yourself, your perspective – in detail.

When it comes to blogging, there are a lot of things to take care of, before sharing your content with your audience, however, here are top 5 tips for blogging aspirants that you can begin with –

  • Pick a niche topic, what you feel comfortable about writing, where your passion lies, where your strength is.
  • It allows you to write freely; otherwise, you’d end up spending your time researching your content.
  • It gives you the freedom to write more, because since it’s your strength, it’s always on your mind, and thus, the topics keep coming to you.

  • Often, when starting a blog, too many people worry about which site to use for their blog, the type of plug-ins to use, the font, the colours, the appearance.
  • Initially, let the focus be on the content – try to make it as definite and appealing as possible. As the audience, one should make it a point to read the entire thing.
  • Once this is figured out and you think you have that settled, then you can bring in the technicalities one-by-one and start focusing on those.

  • There are two most important points when it comes to creating content and writing a blog, one is being authentic, and the other one is discussed in the next point.
  • You must be genuine with your content – it’s your voice – your words – your perspective.
  • Don’t do it just because you have to. Make it a point to invest time, make it better, improve yourself, and ensure that it’s you who is writing the blog.

  • The one point which people don’t pay attention to when it comes to writing a blog. Maintain a Routine.
  • Set a deadline for your blogs – how many will you write in a month – which days – what time will it be published and promote it accordingly. Let the audience know that you’ll, at any cost, post the blog by that time.
  • It shows discipline that you’re serious about your blog and you want to spread this content with the people out there, and you’re aren’t doing it whenever you feel like doing it.

  • Be a little shameless when it comes to publishing your blog and increasing its views – initially.
  • Share it with your friends, promote it on social media, share every blog that you write.
  • Network with other bloggers, help them out, share their posts, drop a valuable comment and hopefully, they’ll do the same with yours too.

The process of blog writing is a beautiful one; but also an intensive one – you’ve to spend time on it, take care of it, and when people read it and appreciate it, you’ll surely feel good about that you made a difference with your opinion.

Zazz Media, a modern communications agency, that I’ve been running since 2015, builds personal and corporate brands on social media. Our mission is to change people’s perception towards brands and their content on these platforms.

If we can be of any help, do reach out at



• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #13 – Experiment •

There is no proven method or a fixed solution when it comes to digital marketing!

It’s all about experimenting!

What works for Brand A might not work for Brand B, be it the type of content, the topics covered, the value provided, the creativity – everything is different for every brand!

You, as a brand, as a marketer, need to experiment and find out what your brand is about, and what works for you, then do that.

The answer is Experimentation – try, fail, try again and succeed.


Need of the Hour

Need of the Hour

In this ever-growing market, the need of the hour is “Creating Value, not Content”.
With every brand striving to have a huge social media presence, and engagements up for sale, brands are diverging from the most important aspect: Value to the end consumer.
Brands must remember the golden rule of digital marketing: “Don’t oversell it/ Don’t glorify it.”
#NeedOfTheHour #ZazzYourBrand

Zazz Media’s Mission

Zazz Media’s Mission

Unless people don’t love the brands already, they usually don’t follow them on social media.

Even then, they’re under a constant hammering of promotional announcements and the brands’ sales funnels.

So, what is our mission?

We want to change the way people perceive brands on social media, and everywhere else too, on a macro basis.

At the same time, we also want to create valuable content for the brands, which ultimately brings that change for the consumers.

That’s the change Zazz Media is trying to bring. #OurMission

Earn the Right to Promote

Earn the Right to Promote

“Provide good content and you’ll earn the right to promote your product.” – Guy Kawasaki

Sure, a brand can promote their products directly and even get good sales, but how long would that last and how much would you end up spending?

More importantly, how many people are going to remember the brand in the long-term?

When you build your Brand, when you provide good, valuable content to your audience, you connect with them, you build a relationship with them.

The consumer feels this connection, feels an affiliation to the brand and now wants to buy from them.

Now, in the future, when you promote your new collections to this same consumer, they will accept it and even buy with open arms, because you earned your right to promote your products.

Brand Image v Direct Selling

Brand Image v Direct Selling

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #11 – Brand Image v Direct Selling •

What according to you is the difference between brand image and direct selling?

Both the methods will in-turn result in sales for your brand, although, which one has a more prolonged impact? Through which path, do you think people would connect with your brand for a longer time?

Often, people focus only on selling, while marketing their product/ service through offline or online advertising. The number of times, the audiences see ads with the following lines, “Buy this for x amount of money” or “Limited period offer – for this week/ today only”.

The brands now need to understand that there are enough sellers in the market, focusing on short-term sales without focusing on its impact on the consumer.

In today’s digital age, if you want to build a long-term relationship with your consumer, the brand needs to focus on value creation and answer the following questions:
• Why should a consumer follow a particular brand?
• What is the mission of your brand? Would, I as a consumer align with that mission or not?
• What content is the audience consuming, for them to follow the brand daily?

Answering these questions sets the brand for a long-term journey, where the consumers connect with this image, the brand has created and thus, be their customers willingly for a more extended period of time.


Six Pack Abs in a Week

Six Pack Abs in a Week

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #10 – Six Pack Abs in a Week •What would your response be, if someone tells you, that you can have six-pack abs within a week?

Do you think that’s possible?

It takes patience and persistence at the gym, along with professional guidance to get to that level.

There are no shortcuts.

Now the same logic is applied to social media marketing as well.

Brands expect the results to appear within a week – create, promote and convert.

However it’s not that simple, the process requires patience and persistence, along with some professional guidance (an agency) plus a good budget to get good results.

Good results = Brand Recognition, which ultimately will result into the the customer buying your product/ service willingly. That’s a long-term relationship.

//A suggestion to our fellow social media marketers/ agencies to not create a facade in front of the clients, be up-front with them and guide them about the process and how it works.Selling shortcut-visions won’t be an advantage for any of the parties involved, especially in the long-term!


Customer in Control

Customer in Control

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #9 – Customer in Control •

The advertising industry has changed!

Earlier, the products, the services, the brands were in charge – selling to the customers – selling them an idea, a vision thay they need this.

Now,the customer is in control!

The customer knows what she/ he want, what their needs are, what their tastes are, it’s no longer about buying anything that you see.

Its about buying what you like, what you relate with, what appeals to you.

Now, in this process, the customer is making the decision of choosing the brand, rather than the other way round.

What can a brand do?

Instead of selling, where the customer won’t pay any heed to, the brands can focus on building a relationship with them, providing them value, connecting with them – and ultimately, the customer would feel so bonded with the brand…

Guess, where are they going to buy from?

Featured in Symbipreneurs!

Featured in Symbipreneurs!

It’s the process that you’re in love with, the achievements are just a by-product.

Featured in ‘Symbipreneurs’ – a book started by the Entrepreneurship Cell of our college – featuring stories of 20 alumni entrepreneurs of our college.

Super grateful to my teacher, Dr. Sharayu Bhakare and our Principal, Dr. Hrishikesh Soman for this opportunity!

For everything that I’ve learned, all the mistakes that I’ve made, all the experiences I’ve had, the journey has just begun! Grateful to all who have been a part of it and been along with me! ❤️

Something like this coming along so soon just pushes me to do much more!
To the future! 🥂

Link in Bio

Link in Bio

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #7 – Link In Bio •

Link in Bio is a permission asset and one of the best tools Instagram could have.

Other than sponsoring your post or the Swipe Ups in your Stories, you cannot add external links to your Instagram posts.

With the amount of content being posted on a daily basis, and the CTAs on the post (especially with the links on the other social media platforms) is never-ending.

Instagram allows the consumer their permission to visit the creator’s profile and click the link for more information, i.e. only if they want to.

With this, now the brands have to create enormous amount of value for their audience, for them to like what they’re consuming and visit the link if they’d like to access more information or buy any product or service.

This is a win-win situation for the consumers. #PermissionAsset

Not Everyone understands Social Media

Not Everyone understands Social Media

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #6 – Not Everyone understands Social Media •

For the past couple of years, a great number of brands, agencies and digital marketers have entered the social media scene.

Either someone trying to establish their brand online or trying to help others to do so.

The problem is, not everyone understands social media.

It is merely limited to posting a bunch of pictures, using hashtags and promoting content.

However, is it just that?

Or rather, is this much enough?

Building your brand is also about providing value to your audience, forming a connection with them, making them feel that you’re beyond a brand.

And that’s not it.

Social Media is a blend of storytelling, writing, marketing, clicking pictures and videos, curating, designing, analyzing and reporting.

Those who can accomplish all for a brand or if a brand checks all those points, then they are on the right path to understanding social media on a macro.

(On a Micro level, there’s still a lot more to know and understand)

Social Media is Mandatory

Social Media is Mandatory

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #5 – Social Media is Mandatory •

With TVCs, radio commercials, billboards and more, the social media platforms have been the only place where you can target to your audience specifically.

You can provide value and create content as per their interests!

Also, you can even have conversations with them, understand what they want from you, as a brand and what more can be done.

Social Media is the only place where you can directly convert your customers to a sale.

Do any other platforms give you these advantages?

In today’s day and age, with everyone being smartphone-savvy, being on social media is mandatory for every brand out there. Especially for the millennials and the gen-z, if you aren’t on social, then you might not even exist.

The choice is yours. Be active, create content and reach out to your audience!

Authenticity Error 404

Authenticity Error 404

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #3 – Authenticity Error 404 •

In this era of social media, when it’s the best time to create and share value with the people, there are also people who are flexing on social, to create a mirage of a different version of their lives, than in reality.

Fronting on these platforms and with a few quick shortcuts, the audiences build up.

Now, it creates an issue because one, none of it is true and second, there’s no way you can keep up with it for a long period of time. You’re only fooling yourself whilst thinking you’re winning on social media.

What’s the answer?

Authenticity is the key. Be self-aware of who you are and with the opportunities available, build your base on these platforms with one goal in mind, providing real value to your audience.

Let your audience follow and understand the real ‘you’.

//We have started a series on ” Tips on how to Zazz your Brand” on our page @zazzmedia which will guide you on how to brand yourself or your company’s profile on social media.

Tips on How to Zazz your Brand! – A new series

Tips on How to Zazz your Brand! – A new series

With Zazz Media, as a modern communications agency, our focus is to change the way people perceive brands on social media.

Apart from sharing articles on topics that support that focus, we are also starting a series where we would be sharing Tips on how to Zazz your Brand.

What do we mean by Zazz your Brand?

Add an element of uniqueness and awesomeness to your brand and connect with your audience by providing value to them.

To Zazz a brand, the process is long and a number of things to take care of.

Whilst the process takes time, and specific attention needs to be given to each brand, on how they should build themselves,

these Tips are the baseline of how one should take care of their brand and how these tips can help them grow online and offline.


You can follow our account on Instagram @zazzmedia or on LinkedIn where we’ll be sharing these Tips.

Feedback is appreciated.

The audience decides, not you.

The audience decides, not you.

We can plan.

We can strategise.

We can pick the one out of seven that might work.

We might ensure it reaches to a lot of people.

What we forget is that the audience decides what works, not you.

You can only try.


Often, especially on the social media platforms, you start posting content what you think will get more likes.

You decide not to post something because your audience won’t appreciate what you’re posting.

All this is pre-defined.

All in your minds.


Let the audience decide what they want to hear from you.

You should focus on sharing what you love.

Not just in one specific genre.

But in everything you love to talk about.

What you’re passionate about.

Let the audience decide.

Every Creative has a Thought behind it.

Every Creative has a Thought behind it.

Don’t judge a design by its simplicity is a designer’s equivalent to “don’t judge a book by its cover”.

Either the creative becomes too simple or too complex, however, what we have forgotten is empathy for the creator.

Whether it be a billboard, or a TVC, or a social media creative, as a consumer, you tend to remember the brand that’s posting it or as the brand, you see the conversions that’s happening.

However, the creator, has to look at the quantity and always come up with something different, and at the same time, keep it connected with the brand.

One creative may look “simple”, when 100s are done together then they’re not.

Every creator may have heard this before, “kuch accha, kuch alag, thoda hatke, wow factor hona chahiye.” And to motivate you further, they add “budget nahi hai, budget kam hai, exposure milega, we will promote your work.”

So the question arises, what does the creator go through, in this process?
• Constant Ask for Discounts
There’s a constant notion in the market that all the creator needs to do is get a few pictures together, add some text to it, and the logo and voila! So, why not reduce your price, just for this one creative?

• Friendship On The Line
Another common scenario is the constant ask for “Could you do a creative for my page and add a few simple lines, it would help me a lot.” Since they are your friend, and them not understanding the process, you feel compelled to do so and after 10-15 edits, all you can think is, “At least next time he/she will have a better understanding of what happens in this process.”

• Long hours behind a Computer
What you see, when you follow a brand, is a creative that’s either liked or shared, and scrolled through within a matter of seconds.
What you don’t see, is the hours of discussions and trial and error behind every Creative, that the chosen one made it to your screen.

These long hours are followed by severe backaches, headaches, constant “discussions” with the client and no personal life of their own.

No, don’t feel sorry for them or tell them that it’s their job, just be a little empathetic when you deal with them or when you see their creative online or offline.

//A quick message for the clients:
– Constantly delivering creatives takes efforts, so be as detailed as possible with your briefs and realistic with your timelines.
– Be quick to respond in case of changes and most importantly, value their work.
– A great creative will take your company to another level, especially if you’re growing through social media and by underpaying/ bickering with your creators you’re demotivating them to put in the work that they usually would.

To the creators, we’re with you. ❤️


People say Facebook and Snapchat are over! (in India)

People say Facebook and Snapchat are over! (in India)

This is a global opinion, moreover said in India, that Instagram is the culture (which it is), but Facebook and Snapchat are over.

Is it true?

The millennials and the Gen-Z seem to say that they are Instagram-active only.

So, as digital marketers, should we not focus on the other platforms?

Let’s take a look at the statistics.

Keeping Facebook in mind, the platform, and not considering Instagram and WhatsApp (which technically are a part of the same company), there are over 300 million Facebook users in India alone, making it the leading country in terms of Facebook audience size.

To put this into context, if India’s Facebook audience were a country then it would be ranked fifth in terms of the largest population worldwide.

The stats say that the Facebook Indian audience would reach over 400 million in the next 3 years.

Said that, should we not consider Facebook while building a brand.

So, now that we have established that, what about Snapchat?

As of April 2019, we have 12 million Snapchat users in India.

We have influencers, digital creators, brands, consumers – all a part of these 12 million users in India.

Instagram may be the current culture amongst the Millennials and the Gen-Z, however, we can’t seem to ignore the other platforms at all, especially with these numbers.

Do you think Facebook and Snapchat are over? #QOTD

(Statistics Source : Statista)

Let the content speak for itself!

Let the content speak for itself!

People worry about the content they are posting.

Even before the first post, people are worried if the audience will like what they’re posting, whether it’d get enough likes and whether the conversion will happen or not.

What design will appeal to the audience, how long should the caption be and what kind of pictures to click.


No one can pre-define what will work and what will not.

Once you start posting, your content will automatically speak for itself.

How the audience responds to it.

If not, then why not.

Once you post enough, then you know what works and what doesn’t, and you start implementing changes from thereon.


People doubt themselves, their capability and their skills and let other people’s opinions define their steps for them.

I’ve had conversations where people had current trends and opinions of people who themselves aren’t active on social media decided their future steps towards branding themselves on social media.


Let the content speak for itself.

A new member of the family.

A new member of the family.

Who’s in the family currently?

We have Zazz Media, Zazzpreneurs and Live the Zazz Life in the house!


Today, a new member is joining that family!

I have had this on my mind, for almost three years now and finally, I thought it’s time.


Welcome ‘What’s the Zazz‘ to the family!

(Click the name to visit the link)

What’s it about?

• Trends

• Events

• Sports

• Tech

• and, Entertainment,

Keep up with the Past, Present and Future with What’s the Zazz!



I, personally, am someone who’s keen to be up-to-date with everything going on all around the world.

Whether it’s related to tech, entertainment, sports or the current trends, I have always had to follow different accounts or different platforms to keep up with such information.

With this, for now exclusively on Instagram only, we’re going to start small, understand what the audience wants and then grow from there.

Hopefully, you join us on this road and give us feedback from time to time.


Check it out –



What would you rather prefer?

763 followers or 18,000 followers?

The sight of 18,000 followers is appealing, right?

Let me take it to a deeper level.

What if I told you, that you’re posting content about art and 760 out of the 763 followers are art enthusiasts who are likely to engage with you, probably buy whatever you’re selling and possibly collaborate with you for something new.

At the same time, speaking of the 18,000 followers, only 262 are interested in art and 9,732 aren’t interested at all, would you care for this audience?

That is what the social media platforms are about.

The numbers are hyped up, but when you look at the reality, you understand how the game works.

Let me ask you again, what would you rather have – 763 followers or 18,000 followers?


Six Takeaways while building your Brand on Social Media

Social Media is filled with brands selling products and services and consumers receiving hundred of ads everyday, in a confused state of mind. Why? Because, these people aren’t brand loyalists and on top of that, may have never heard of those brands too.

So, what’s the right way for the brands to proceed?
Focus on building brand and providing value on the digital platforms. From a long-term perspective, the audience will connect to the brand and thus, their products and services too.

Here are six takeaways to keep in mind while building your brand on social media –

A. Maintaining the Brand Tone is crucial
Every brand needs a consistent tone over all their platforms, online and offline. The design, the colour, the fonts and the overall appearance constitute the brand tone.

Whether it’s your website, your offline marketing creatives or your social media profiles, you need to maintain your tone at all places. It helps to increase the recognition of your brand to your audience.

In regards to social media, the moment your audience sees your content while scrolling through, they should immediately recognize who has posted it, just by looking at it.

To reach that level, you need brand consistency, and you need to focus on providing value and creating content from a long term perspective.

B. Providing Value is Key
Every brand wants to build an online community for themselves; who engage with their content and in the end, become their customers too.

Often, a brand focuses on selling their product/ service first before providing any value to them. The content plays a crucial role while building your community.

If the consumer benefits from your content, especially on a long-term basis, they start interacting constantly and consider themselves a part of the brand.

Thus, the primary focus should be on providing value.

Value, Value and Value, then comes the Ask.

C. Keep Your Message Perfectly Clear
While creating your social media profiles, either for your personal brand or your professional brand, your message should be clear.

Anyone visiting your profile wants to know the ‘WHY’. Why should they follow you, how would they benefit from following you?

This message especially applies to everyone creating a personal brand. Keep your base simple, stick to it and ensure you’re authentic about your content.

Keeping your Bio, your Posts, your Story Highlights as clear as possible; it helps the audience understand the message you’re trying to send.

D. Focus on the Tools that you have
With the number of social media platforms available, Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter/ Pinterest/ Snapchat/ LinkedIn/ TikTok/ Medium/ Quora, where you can engage with your customers and attract attention.

Every brand requires an in-depth study, how can they differentiate their content for those platforms.

Your brand could perform the best on TikTok and vice-versa on LinkedIn, you never know. Simultaneously, both could be a vital part of your brand.

It would be best if you focused on every tool available in the market. Any of them could work wonders for you; your main focus should be reaching out to your target audience on every platform.

E. Social Media is more than Followers + Likes
As an advertising agency, or a brand, or an influencer, with every platform, everyone tends to focus on the followers and likes to measure their engagement. However, when it comes to reaching out to more people, social media is more vital than that.

With the tools available within the platform and externally too, there are insights which show impressions and people reached and profile visits, which shows the impact you’re making with your content.

The number of views and impressions should matter more because, from the long-term perspective of brand-building, these same people will see your content again and again, and eventually attract to it, if they’re your target audience.

Thus, initially, one’s focus should be on reaching out to more people, simultaneously creating genuine content which holds value to them, eventually building a community for your brand.

F. Community Engagement is Necessary
As an individual or a brand, it’s always about more followers and likes, that everyone tends to forget the people who have already connected to them.

Community Engagement is the #1 step to connect with and grow your audience. Connect with people in your comments!

A meaningful reply to a genuine comment, or at most, a ❤️ says that you appreciate and acknowledge what they’re saying.

Every engagement builds further to this same person sharing your content, or connecting you with someone else who might be beneficial to your brand, as a potential customer.

Our mission with Zazz Media is to change the way people perceive brands on the digital platforms

We offer social media consultations, where we plan, strategise and create a social media plan for you, whether it’s for your professional brand or your personal brand.

It is a long, intricate, detailed map covering the brands’ footprints on every social media platform required for them, and how to execute at each of them.

Along with these plans, we also guide the client with tips such as these, which would help them from a long-term perspective.

Every brand needs to set their tone.

Every brand needs to set their tone.

Every brand needs a consistent tone over all their platforms, online and offline. In regards to the online sector, your website or your app or your digital presence over all the social media platforms, need to stay consistent with the set tone.
‘How would you like your audience to perceive your brand, depends on its tone!’
Often, the agencies tend to mix up the tone which sends an irrelevant message to the audience. For example, while handling your social media profiles, agencies create different types of content, time and again, which does not follow the tone of your brand. Due to this inconsistency, even the audience fails to understand your brand, which will probably affect your image and even your offline sales.
‘Inconsistent brand tone gives out an unaesthetic look, in return, affecting your image and sales.’
So what should you do – 
A. Minor details make the most difference. 
B. Work with the right agency.
C. Communicate with your designing team and ensure they understand what your brand is about.

Growing your brand to the next level!

Growing your brand to the next level!

To grow your brand to the next level, you need to advertise. To reach your target audience, you need to invest a decent sum of money in your advertising and marketing budget.
“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.”
To put it simply, if your brand is new to the market or if you’re planning to launch a new segment/product, you need to reach a specific set of people to get your sales going. If you don’t spend enough, you won’t reach to sufficient people and the results won’t make a difference.
“Your agency would advise you and suggest you, but at the end, it’s up to you whether you want to reach the next level or not.”
A detailed example would be as such if your revenue is between 10 lacs INR and 20 lacs INR on a monthly basis, does it do justice to the fact that you spend only 20,000 INR to increase your sales. #SpendMoreEarnMore

The process of planting a tree.

The process of planting a tree.

A brand’s social media development is like planting a tree!
For it to give you the results you want, you must spend months and months and years of proper planning, implementation and execution for it to reach its true level. You wouldn’t expect to plant the seeds and let it grow into a tree in less than a year, correct? Managing social media is similar to that situation! Even with an adequate promotional budget, you need to first set your goals.
Building an online brand requires much more than spending on ads.
Firstly, you must ensure that you have a proper brand design and language which will make it easier for the audience to relate to your content.
Secondly, you must provide relevant content and differentiate them as per the social media platforms you’re using. For that, you must have a proper plan and schedule beforehand and know what you’re seeking to achieve.
Thirdly, focus on the community you’re building. This community is going to be important in the creation of your brand’s online identity.
Ultimately, we could break the complete process into three small steps, but these powerful measures take time to build. Once you understand them, then it’s your arena. Your sales will start soaring high!
Be patient and ensure you as a brand are playing an essential role in keeping the digital presence active.

Building your Personal Brand in 2019!

Building your Personal Brand in 2019!

In the previous articles, ‘Why now is the right time to build your Personal Brand’ (Click here to read it) — the focus was on the importance of Personal Branding in 2019 — its what and why. In another article, titled ‘You’re being Googled’ (Click here to read it) — various situations in different types of careers have been pointed out when either we or someone else Googles us, and how you can be at the forefront of those situations.

Here’s a quick take on how relevant a personal brand can be — 
In this smartphone era, with everyone’s attention on their screens and most of that time spent on social media platforms, it’s also The Age of the Individual. Every photographer, every writer, every poet, every gamer, every entrepreneur and people from other different professions now have the platform to create their brand.

Why Now?
With people’s attention towards their smartphone and the majority of the people spending hours every day on social media platforms, it is easier than before to make an impression on these platforms.

With a prior focus on its relevance, the attention now shifts to the creation of one. An individual might know their story, their journey, the value they would like to provide to their audience, their message and their goals — all of the essential factors when it comes to building a personal brand.

However, the majority of them are stuck in the ‘How’ of it. How to create one? Where to start? Can one do it individually or do they need to hire someone to strategize it for them? Or do they need someone to manage the entire thing for them? For many, that is an option, without a choice — because they have a lot on their shoulders, in terms of day-to-day, but this is equally important too.

In this article, we shift our focus on to a few significant pointers that anyone (wanting to create their brand now or in the future) should know!

Let me also add, my agency Zazz Media focuses on building brands on social media. In 2019, the limelight has been on personal branding — where we help plan, strategize and create a blueprint for the end-user, specifically for them — showcasing the type of content buckets to focus on, how to tackle every social media platform differently, where the focus needs to be and how to grow an audience for the long-term.

At a macro level, here is where you should focus — 
A. Know your ‘Why’
– Why do you want to build a personal brand for yourself? What are your intentions?
– If you have a pre-defined ‘Why’, it will become more manageable for you or your content creator to define a path of ‘What’ and ‘How’ for you — in simple terms, your approach to social media.
– Often people know what they do, and they’re able to translate it into their content. Although, some posts might do well, at a macro level, the audience and you, yourself would be confused with the purpose behind this content.
– Set pre-defined goals and plan the content accordingly — you wouldn’t want to deceive your audience in the long-term.

B. Create a Brand around yourself
– Once you’ve defined your ‘Why’, the next important step is to create a brand around yourself.
– Create a brand tone and a brand message, which in turn increases your brand recognition among your audience, from a long-term point of view. [It takes at least 5–7 impressions for a person to remember your brand.]
– Preferably create a logo/customized name/signature/brand colours which set you apart as an individual.

C. Value for the End-User
– You can perceive this as a physics formula if you would like to, but these are the steps to remember. 
Your intent + your message + brand + value for the end-user = Results.
– What are you selling? What is the audience getting out of your content? There is a lot of noise on the internet and people are consuming a lot of content, what sets you apart, is the value you provide to them.
– The end-user gets to decide if the content provided, is valuable to him/her or not and whether they should stick with you for the long-term.

D. Double-down on your Strengths
– There are many different forms you can approach your content and reach out to your audience — Written, Audio and Video, to sum it up as three major categories.
– You get to decide what you’re good at and then double-down on your strengths.
– If you’re good at writing content, then focus more on articles, blogs and captions. If you’re good at video, then create as many videos as possible around your topics and double-down on the visual content. If you feel you’re good at speaking, but not comfortable in front of the camera, then podcasting is the way to go for you.
– Of course, if you’re an all-round person, then the best move is to triple-down on all the content forms together. You get to reach your target audience in all ways possible — some may be video/ audio enthusiasts, some may like to read — your focus should be preferably on all of them.

E. Worrying about the metrics won’t do you any good
– People creating content, especially for social media platforms, tend to focus on the short-term. How many likes does the picture have? How many followers do I have? How many views am I getting? These are the metrics which decide whether the creative/ campaign is successful or not, whether the audience is reacting to their content positively or not.
– Always have the focus on the long-termfocus on the brand. It takes a while to build a brand, and the results shall appear. Focus on building relationships with every person who has decided to follow you — and they shall convert.
– Whether your content is valuable enough, for your audience to share and comment and save, should be the focus. Those metrics say a lot about the type of content you’re posting — whether it has a positive impact or not.
– There are other impactful metrics to take care of — how to connect to your audience of a highly engaged post — whether your audience is interested or not. However, the above pointers are to be viewed from a macro perspective, which keeps you in check.

F. Talk to them
– Often, people focus only on creating content and the “generic metrics of likes and followers” and make their future decisions based on that.
– They forget to engage with people who have left a comment on their posts, forget to reply to those who have DM’d them, don’t focus on engaging content which increases the probability of someone dropping a comment.
– Talk to your audience regularly. What do they want from you? Are they getting value from you? What more can you do for them?

G. Enjoy the process
– The process of creating content, building an audience, building a brand is a long one. The point is to enjoy the process.
– If it is a forceful one or one focused on results for yourself only, then it is one of short-term, where neither of the parties nor you nor your audience will enjoy what you’re producing or what they’re consuming.
– These are also times when people aren’t patient enough, focusing on short-term results, fall prey to techniques of buying likes/ comments, buying followers or participating in engagement pods, so they get “quick results”.

H. Be Authentic
– Said that the most important is for the last. Be Authentic, always.
– If you create a “front” on social media, create a version you’re not in reality, you might win now — with the type of content you post. But, one thing is for sure, you definitely cannot do it forever. You’ll not be able to keep up with it.
– Always be authentic to yourself, to the people you reach out to, to the content you create — it should all be about the real “you”.
– Your audience can read you in a moment, even if you don’t realize it. “Fool them now, but you cannot fool them forever”.

Everyone is so focused on the creation of content, what the audience will react to, what are they interested in, what will bring them more likes — no one focuses on reality.

Social Media is just a medium to reach out to the interested people, the same way you would approach someone at a networking event, the same way you would contact someone for a sales call.

Summarising the entire article on “How to build your Personal Brand in 2019?”, this is it — Your intent + your message + brand + value for the end-user = Results.

Reach out to us at, and we can help you out for the future.

What Social Media is not!

What Social Media is not!

Social Media is the current, most effective hot trend when it comes to communications for people and brands.

You can brand yourself, reach to your target audience, cost-effectively and increase your sales too.

However, even with this disproportionate advantage that social media provides us, we have brought it down to a lot of things it is not.

  • a game of likes

the higher the number of likes, the more effective the campaign has been

  • a platform of followers

the more the number of followers, the more famous your brand is

  • using sales as the method to grow and then calling the process inefficient
  • posting pictures without context

another factor when it comes to lack of planning

  • lack of experimentation

using your personal opinion as the answer for all probable and unproven steps – for example, people having the impression of writing only short captions when it comes to Instagram.

For someone to truly understand the power of social media, for what it is, how useful and practical it can be, takes a lot of planning, strategies, experiments and convincing.

This is one of the reasons why I started Zazz Media, to effectively utilise what’s at hand and use it in the best possible manner.

When it comes to social media marketing, one thing I’ve always focused on and said time and again is not to focus on the obvious and look at the bigger picture.

A 1000 likes on your picture is not the success metric, but 40 likes from your target audience are.

Learn, understand, experiment and reap the rewards!

Is Digital Marketing for everyone?

Is Digital Marketing for everyone?

Digital Marketing is the current hot trend that everyone is shifting to, even those who have no idea about the process of digital marketing!

The current mindset is such that, digital marketing is only about handling the brands’ social media profiles and posting pictures on it.


I’d like to start with clarifying that, one, social media marketing is a part of digital marketing and not vice versa.

Digital Marketing includes all services through which one’s marketing can be done using the internet.

The services range from SEO, SMM, Paid Promotions, Email Marketing, Banner Ads and so much more. The list is endless.


Even when it comes to social media marketing, handling a brand’s social media is beyond posting pictures on Instagram.

Saturated market or not, the true digital marketers are those who understand the process behind this. Those who understand what message the brand needs to send, that goes beyond getting a certain number of likes on their picture. (Let’s also include the fact that these ‘likes’ have become a success metric for so many out there, because either they aren’t aware of the real metrics that need to be studied or no one is telling the brand owners that they’re paying the wrong people for the wrong process)


In my opinion, I’d say that instead of jumping the gun on social media and becoming a “digital marketer”, what should be done is, to study the field first, understand the know-how and probably work for someone first, so you know most of the things beforehand and you get an experience of it.

The Zazz Tribe

The Zazz Tribe

I’ve started a Facebook community by the name of ‘The Zazz Tribe’

There are two main reasons behind starting this –

1. To introduce the Zazz vibe amongst the community and provide more value to all.
2. To create a network of people where everyone can provide value to others as well.

Here’s the link if you’d like to join in –

The Zazz Tribe FB Group


P. S. A lot is going to happen on this group – so much has been planned and there’s something special for everyone – to be revealed over a period of time! Don’t miss out on this!

How do you build a successful team? – Google

How do you build a successful team? – Google

Every organization’s success is because of its team and its efforts.

Google has been studying the workplace culture of successful companies and came up with the following pointers that make them successful!

There is no Backup to Entrepreneurship

There is no Backup to Entrepreneurship

If entrepreneurship is something that flows within you, then you wouldn’t want to do anything else; there is no backup.

There’s a certain aura of doing it on your own, no matter how small or big, that makes you want to do it even more. The vision, the passion, the energy, the struggles, the journey is so incredible; you just love it.

When you create your company, it becomes your baby, your child; you want to grow it, you want to nurture it and take care of it. The words may seem out of context, but it’s not, it’s the truth.

No matter how many backups you create, if entrepreneurship is within you, you’ll do whatever it takes, start ‘x’ number of companies until you make it, but you shall keep doing so. #Facts



There are two kinds of people,

  1. One who keep sleeping so they can dream more and,
  2. one who wake up and follow their dreams.

Every dream is achievable as long as it’s practical and you work towards it!

Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it!


Monday Motivation

“You only live once? False.
You live every day. You only die once.”

If you think about the past, then you’d regret it. If you think about the future, then you’d always be anxious.

Be in the present! Live and enjoy each day to its fullest!

Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

At every level of business, you need consistency at a certain level, before you move on to the next step.

Consistency is vital when it comes to running a business.

An entrepreneur would imagine a certain level of business growth for his business to run successfully; however, at the same time, one also needs to be consistent with their execution.

You might shoot for the stars, but you must first reach the roof of your building. #ConsistencyIsKey

It’s okay to take a break!

It’s okay to take a break!

Graduated in May 2015. Zazz Media started in December 2015. What happened in those six months?

The entrepreneurial spirit always existed within me. I knew; eventually, I’d build something – although, I didn’t possess the answers for the what, when and how.

Coming from our stressful education system, teaching us all but the same principles, those six tension-free months was a blessing! No responsibilities, no plans, no routine! Nothing valuable happened during that period. Although, in hindsight, I’m happy I took that decision because that brought me to where I am today!

Proceeding down this path gave me the push, the energy to accomplish something. That realisation was important!

It’s up to you, whether you’d like to take a break or not. However, remember this – If you can take a break, do it for yourself. Please don’t rush into decisions, because you got pressured into it. When that happens, you don’t make choices out of happiness.


Who are the Joneses and why you should avoid them?

Who are the Joneses?
“Keeping up with the Joneses is an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one’s neighbour as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to “Keep up with the Joneses” is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.” #Wikipedia
Consciously or sub-consciously, all of us are trying to keep up with the “Joneses”. Now is the time we realise the mistakes we’ve been making! It shouldn’t matter to you what the others are doing if you are satisfied with your everyday life! We fall for worldly possessions because we see someone else accomplish something and now we want the same.

Someone else means your friends, your colleagues, and even those you follow on social media. The current trend is tied in with posting every expensive stuff you buy or do on social media. Now more than ever, it’s about telling others what you are doing rather than for your self-interest!

Ask yourself three questions the next time you do anything,
1. Am I buying this product/service because of self-interest?
2. Is this bringing value to me?
3. Do you care about other’s opinions?

Achieve stuff for yourself and not for others! Think about it and STOP NOW! The only loss is yours and not anyone else’s.

Why now is the right time to build a Personal Brand?

Why now is the right time to build a Personal Brand?

Have you ever Googled yourself? Were you satisfied with the results? Here’s why now is the right time to build your Personal Brand! (Please visit the link mentioned below)

Do share your feedback on the article and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!


All you need is a little push!

All you need is a little push, towards the right path.

Everyone needs a little push now and then, be it for motivational or mindset or decisive purposes. You have a choice of reading books/ case studies, listening to podcasts, watching self-help videos/ interviews; the options are endless.

Choose the right path for yourself, because a little push can guide you towards the direction you were looking for all along!

Connect with us on Instagram @zazzpreneursa platform for the do-ers and let’s make the community stronger!

Handling your social media on your own?

Handling your social media on your own?

A brand’s social media development is like planting a tree! It’s not a day’s worth of your time and neither is it a month’s worth of your time. For it to give you the results you need, you need to spend months and months and years of proper planning, implementation and execution for it to reach its true level.
This is where social media agencies come into the picture! There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into the management of your pages across the social media platforms. Agencies charge what they charge because of the strategies they create and the planning and efforts behind every online campaign.
Now the question is, whether you (as the brand owner) have the time or the expertise to maintain your presence digitally whilst you take care of your sales/ customers on an offline basis or whether you should give that responsibility to someone who would take that entire workload off you and do it professionally for your brand! Ultimately, the decision is yours.

P.S. I own a social media agency @zazzmedia – let me know if I can provide any value to you in this sector.

Are you enjoying the blog?

Are you enjoying the blog?

Did you know, this blog has been going on for almost two months now. 🙂

I wanted to make sure that you’re enjoying my blogs just as much as I like to write them for you.

I’m sure there must be a handful of people among your social circle who are interested in the topics I write about, Mindset, Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

Help me connect with them? Here’s how…

You can find the social media buttons below, so you could share it ahead – Facebook/ Twitter/ LinkedIn and Whatsapp too.

And the best part – they can stay updated just like you do, over the email. Here’s the link if you’d like to share –

I know how scarce time can be, so thank you for your continuous support! And if you ever have any questions, just hit me up on my Instagram @rth24

Are you living for the Weekends?

Are you living for the Weekends?

There’s a mindset ingrained in us since childhood, about working Monday to Friday and then enjoying the weekends!

Everyone hates Mondays and calls it the ‘Monday Blues’! Come Wednesday; people start talking about their Friday and Saturday Night plans. Why?
There’s no harm to enjoy the day off but first, live each day to its fullest. Maximise your potential for that particular day, and when the time comes, you cool it off!

Bars and clubs out there have started exploiting this weekend mindset and provide you with mid-week and Friday night offers. Falling into their traps, you spend thousands of hard-earned bucks on just three-four hours worth of satisfaction and luxury, only to do it the next week again. Moreover, what are you achieving out of it?

Think about it from the long-term perspective. Does that activity bring any value addition to your life? People have their own choices, but at the same time, enjoy your other days too instead of wasting them on something you don’t love; only to wait for the weekends and curse Monday yet again.

Do what you love every day, rather than waiting for the Fridays and Saturdays.

Weekends are a boon to us! How about productively executing it to achieve your goals? Work on your personal development, act on those goals we’ve been trying to accomplish, finish your side hustle project! These points only matter when you know your vision!

In the end, it’s your choice! #LiveEachDay


Client’s Way or the Correct Way?

Time and again, every agency or every freelancer has come across a project where the client has taken over their project mid-way and made changes of their own!
This, of course, is in no way wrong! But there are times when that one change could damage the entire campaign or ruin the creative… And at that very moment, you have to take the call – The Client’s Way or the Correct Way?
What we mean by the ‘Correct Way’ is this, guide the client and help them understand the pros and cons of their decision, and at the same time, make them understand why your point is valid too. Because, this is why you were hired in the first place, to do the best work which would help grow their brand.

Inspiring the Millennials and the Gen-Z

Inspiring the Millennials and the Gen-Z

• With 440 million millennials in India (defined as those born after 1982), making up a third of the population and 46 per cent of the country’s workforce, according to a report by Morgan Stanley and,
• India’s Gen Z population (defined as those born after 1996) set to hit 472 million this year,
our vision of Zazzpreneurs is to provide all of you with the knowledge and the tools to pursue your passions and dreams.

We’ve initially started as a podcast, interviewing the do-ers and showcasing their journey, their inspiration and their struggles. We believe that through this, one might get an understanding of the sector they’re interested in and would also know about the opportunities available.

At the same time, this is going to grow much further; however, for that to happen, we need your support!

Make this community stronger by following us on Instagram @zazzpreneurs and help us spread the word around!


If you aren’t using social media, you’re not in the game!

People avoid creating websites and significantly more who have yet to establish their brand’s profile on the available social media platforms.

Nowadays, with almost everyone having a smartphone, the tendency of people paying attention to a billboard or a brochure/ pamphlet has gone way down! The way to attract people to your brand/ product/ service is through the digital options out there.

It’s an era of the smartphone! If your brand isn’t digital, then you won’t stay relevant soon.

Every brand needs to stay active on social media, provide content on an everyday basis and connect with their audience as much as possible. On a macro level, this will work out perfectly for your brand. Here’s why?

  • You would have an online fan-following, who will also be your future customers. 
  • They will in-turn share the valuable content with their network, thus reaching out to more people for you. 
  • This would also increase the company’s revenue on a macro level, just by investing a percentage of that revenue on the marketing budget.

Forget the ‘ask’ initially and try focusing on building your audience first. Just focus on providing value!

If you aren’t using social media to your advantage, simply put, you’re losing out. It applies to your personal brand as well as your corporate brand. It is quite surprising to see that some brands are still hesitant to be on social media, even in this day and age.

After a few years, the next big thing would take over, and the era of social media might decline! Who would want to take that risk? Now is the ideal time, to jump in, and make its best use, as much as possible.

Go digital or go irrelevant!

Are Podcasts free to listen?

Are Podcasts free to listen?

There’s a myth surrounding podcasts that you’ve to pay for them.

Through this blog, we’d like to inform everyone that they can listen to podcasts for free. There are very few platforms which are subscription based, for music and podcasts. (Eg. Spotify and Apple)

Other than that, platforms like Google, SoundCloud, CastBox, Stitcher etc. are where you can listen to most of the podcasts for free, unless the hosts, themselves, have featured it at a price.

If you thought otherwise, now you know! Open up one of those applications, and start listening to them!

If you’re interested in listening to success stories from the worlds of business, sports, entertainment, music and style, check out our podcast – The Zazzpreneurs Podcast.

When was the last time you were asked, Are you Happy?

When was the last time you were asked, Are you Happy?

Every time you meet someone, the question boils down to, “How’s work going on?

With me, the conversation comes down to two questions, “How many clients do you have?” and “How many employees do you have?” apart from the general question above.

When was the last time someone asked you, or you asked someone, “Are you Happy?

Because, it starts and ends with that, happiness. Are you Happy in your life? Are you Happy at your work? Happiness is not a chase, but a journey, a state that we should live in every day!

Next time you meet someone, for a change, pose this question and see how meaningful the conversation turns out to be! ❤️


Importance of Social Media for your Brand

In today’s day and age, social media is the most important tool to focus on for your personal and corporate brand.

With exceptions to some, every brand needs to stay active on social media, provide content on an everyday basis and connect with their audience as much as possible. On a macro level, this will work out perfectly for your brand. Here’s why?

  1. You would have an online fan-following, who will also be your future customers.
  2. They will in-turn share the valuable content with their network, thus reaching out to more people for you.
  3. This would also increase the company’s revenue on a macro level, just by investing a percentage of that revenue on the marketing budget.


Forget the ‘ask’ initially and try focusing on building your audience first. Just focus on providing value!

Good Content always wins the long-term game of social media. You need to stay patient and be active on social media. You need to hire a good agency capable of performing this process professionally.


Why did I start the Zazzpreneurs Podcast?

What is Zazzpreneurs?
What is the future of this podcast?
More importantly, why this podcast?
I’ve been asked a lot of questions since the time I’ve started this, and finally, through this episode, I answer all those questions.

You can listen to the audio-format on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher and TuneIn and any other podcast platform that you listen to. Download and subscribe for new episodes bi-weekly! 🎧

Make this community stronger by following us on Instagram @zazzpreneurs! ❤️
Connect with me on Instagram where I document my journey on building Zazz Media and Zazzpreneurs – @rth24!


Frustrating VS Passionate Work

Everyone has stressful and frustrating days at work, although, there’s a catch!

When you’re passionate about your work, then those days don’t worry you as much, and at the same time, you know it will improve from there on!

The opportunities are endless today; anyone can pursue their interests in any manner they want!

It’s about self-education and self-learning, understanding from your own mistakes!