Difference between Feedback and Opinions

Difference between Feedback and Opinions

In either of the two scenarios, whether you’re starting out on social media or whether you already have a good audience, there are times when people stumble upon certain opinions which hinders their mental state and their progress.

At such times, it’s important to know the difference between feedback and opinions.

What’s Feedback?
– information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

What’s an opinion?
– a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

The difference between the two matters and it also affects you and your growth.

Many a times, we let certain opinions define us, define our work and makes us question whether we should proceed or not – these opinions aren’t substantial enough for some change to take place – quite often, they’re out of spite, being envious or simply seeking attention.

Feedback on the other hand, improves you as a creator. Feedback has its voice, it has its reasoning – it matters – it makes you put in more effort so you can grow and make necessary changes, if needed.

As a creator, or anyone creating on social media, one should learn to know the difference between the two and act according to the situations.

It is important for you, as an individual, to not let anything disturb your state of mind whilst your goal is to provide value to the very same people.
