Top 5 Tips if you’re starting a new Blog!

Top 5 Tips if you’re starting a new Blog!

Whether it’s creating images for Instagram, or creating bite-sized informational tweets, or creating TikTok videos, the wave revolves from one platform to another, but the trend of blogging has been there forever.

Whether you’re an influencer, or a reviewer, or a content writer, a thought contributor or a thought leader, blogging has been the base for everyone. It gives you the platform to express yourself, your perspective – in detail.

When it comes to blogging, there are a lot of things to take care of, before sharing your content with your audience, however, here are top 5 tips for blogging aspirants that you can begin with –

  • Pick a niche topic, what you feel comfortable about writing, where your passion lies, where your strength is.
  • It allows you to write freely; otherwise, you’d end up spending your time researching your content.
  • It gives you the freedom to write more, because since it’s your strength, it’s always on your mind, and thus, the topics keep coming to you.

  • Often, when starting a blog, too many people worry about which site to use for their blog, the type of plug-ins to use, the font, the colours, the appearance.
  • Initially, let the focus be on the content – try to make it as definite and appealing as possible. As the audience, one should make it a point to read the entire thing.
  • Once this is figured out and you think you have that settled, then you can bring in the technicalities one-by-one and start focusing on those.

  • There are two most important points when it comes to creating content and writing a blog, one is being authentic, and the other one is discussed in the next point.
  • You must be genuine with your content – it’s your voice – your words – your perspective.
  • Don’t do it just because you have to. Make it a point to invest time, make it better, improve yourself, and ensure that it’s you who is writing the blog.

  • The one point which people don’t pay attention to when it comes to writing a blog. Maintain a Routine.
  • Set a deadline for your blogs – how many will you write in a month – which days – what time will it be published and promote it accordingly. Let the audience know that you’ll, at any cost, post the blog by that time.
  • It shows discipline that you’re serious about your blog and you want to spread this content with the people out there, and you’re aren’t doing it whenever you feel like doing it.

  • Be a little shameless when it comes to publishing your blog and increasing its views – initially.
  • Share it with your friends, promote it on social media, share every blog that you write.
  • Network with other bloggers, help them out, share their posts, drop a valuable comment and hopefully, they’ll do the same with yours too.

The process of blog writing is a beautiful one; but also an intensive one – you’ve to spend time on it, take care of it, and when people read it and appreciate it, you’ll surely feel good about that you made a difference with your opinion.

Zazz Media, a modern communications agency, that I’ve been running since 2015, builds personal and corporate brands on social media. Our mission is to change people’s perception towards brands and their content on these platforms.

If we can be of any help, do reach out at