Community Engagement is Necessary!

Community Engagement is Necessary!

As an individual or a brand on social media, it’s always been about more followers and likes, the “mark of success,” that everyone tends to forget the audience who are already connected with them.

Community Engagement is the #1 step to connect with and grow your audience.

Every social media platform has its own set of features to interact with your audience.

With Instagram as an example, you can interact on your DM as a one-on-one, another option would be either as polls or questions on your Instagram Stories.

However, the most important place is your comments! The place which people usually avoid.

A meaningful reply to a genuine comment, or at most, a ❤️ says that you appreciate and acknowledge what they’re saying.

Every piece of engagement builds further to this same person sharing your content, or connecting you with someone else who might be beneficial to your brand, as a potential customer.

It all starts with community engagement that leads to building a community.