Customer in Control

Customer in Control

• Tips on how to Zazz your Brand #9 – Customer in Control •

The advertising industry has changed!

Earlier, the products, the services, the brands were in charge – selling to the customers – selling them an idea, a vision thay they need this.

Now,the customer is in control!

The customer knows what she/ he want, what their needs are, what their tastes are, it’s no longer about buying anything that you see.

Its about buying what you like, what you relate with, what appeals to you.

Now, in this process, the customer is making the decision of choosing the brand, rather than the other way round.

What can a brand do?

Instead of selling, where the customer won’t pay any heed to, the brands can focus on building a relationship with them, providing them value, connecting with them – and ultimately, the customer would feel so bonded with the brand…

Guess, where are they going to buy from?

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