
My Weekly Learnings #164 (12.05.24 – 18.05.24)

The concept of ‘My Weekly Learnings’ is to share highlights and/or content pieces that caught my eye this week and provided more value than I could imagine.

1. Important Rule for Life:

Never bet against the person who just keeps showing up. [Sahil Bloom]

2. The unwarranted smile
When we do something nice for someone, a ‘thank you’ and a smile is nice to receive. And, in many parts of human culture, it’s a bit expected.

But when something goes wrong, if we drop a plate or miss a turn or make someone late, it’s particularly delightful and memorable if we are greeted warmly instead of stomped on.

The moments when it’s the most difficult to be kind are the moments where it matters the most. [Seth Godin]

3. Whether you are an adult or child, your first attempts will often seem unimportant or foolish.

The open mic night at a nearly empty bar.
The early blog posts that get ignored.
The dance recital on a little stage.
Early attempts are easy to dismiss because they don’t seem to amount to much. But you have to do the low stakes stuff to prepare for the high stakes stuff. They are the building blocks of confidence, and that’s an enormous thing. [James Clear]

4. The biggest generator of long-term results is learning to do things when you don’t feel like doing them.

If you let excuses or emotions drive behavior, you’re cheating your future self.

Put aside the excuses and start doing what you need to do. [Farnam Street]

5. 80% of your happiness and well-being is determined by three questions:

1. How much did you sleep
2. How well did you eat?
3. Who did you surround yourself with?

Get those three right and almost everything else will fall into place. [Mark Manson]

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