
My Weekly Learnings #168 (09.06.24 – 15.06.24)

The concept of ‘My Weekly Learnings’ is to share highlights and/or content pieces that caught my eye this week and provided more value than I could imagine.

1. Jordan Peterson explains why not pursuing your interests is actually a sin:
Interest is a spirit beckoning from the unknown, a spirit calling from outside the walls of society. Pursuit of interest means…journeying outside the protective walls of childhood dependence and adolescent group identification, and returning to rejuvenate society. This means that pursuit of individual interest-development of true individuality-is equivalent to identification with the hero. Such identification renders the world bearable, despite its tragedies…

2. A Yale University study suggests that dedicating one lazy day per week can significantly boost health and happiness.

Researchers found that scheduling a day of rest and relaxation can greatly reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even extend lifespan. The study encourages people to prioritize their well-being by engaging in enjoyable activities, whether it’s socializing, indulging in hobbies, or napping.

Taking time to slow down and recharge can enhance mental and physical health, leading to better performance and productivity over time.

3. Emotions

It’s hard to imagine for rationality to be at forefront in a society where emotions are celebrated and lack of it is resented/ridiculed.

Being slaves to our ancient hormonal signals was good and useful when we were hunter-gatherers but in today’s world it becomes an easy tool to get manipulated by others, be it through political brainwashing, religious agendas or likes addiction of social media.

When I tell people, it’s impossible to offend me, I get reactions like, “Sir, you are saint”. Is it really so easy to be a Saint? Should it be easy for someone to evoke an emotion from you? How different would that make us from any other mammal?

Another common comment is “Sir, without emotions we are robots”. Emotions = Humans, less Emotions = Robot. Classic case of under-evolved binary thinking.

Speaking of Saints, I remember a quote from Saint Harvey Specter: “I’m against having emotions, not using them”. [Kunal Shah]

4. Person A can work 12 hours a day and make $50K a year.

Person B can work 1 hour a day and make $5 million a year.

The difference is skill, leverage, and understanding – not how hard, long, or organised you work.

People are doing this right now, meaning it is possible, and your complaining about how unfair it is won’t change that fact. [Dan Koe]

5. When to eat a banana?

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