
My Weekly Learnings #85 (06.11.22 – 12.11.22)

The concept of ‘My Weekly Learnings’ is to share highlights and/or content pieces that caught my eye this week and provided more value than I could imagine.

1. Approximately 15% of our gut lining is composed of enteric endocrine cells, which produce 90% of the serotonin and over 50% of the dopamine that our bodies use.

In light of this data, it is not surprising that damage to the microbiome and intestinal lining is commonly associated with neurologic conditions such as autism, depression, and anxiety. 

The gut barrier is the first line of defense against intestinal pathogens and toxins. It is responsible for the carefully regulated passage of water, electrolytes, macro-, and micronutrients from our diet. For our bodies and minds to function properly, our gut must do so first. [Neurohacker]

2. The learning process isn’t finished when you acquire knowledge. It’s complete when you consistently apply that knowledge.

Many people accumulate information. Far fewer use it to evolve and improve.

The ultimate test of growth is closing the gap between awareness and action. [Adam Grant]

3. Most people probably criticize others in the same tonality and often the same words they were criticized as a child.

Often taunts or bitter comments made on social media are a good reflection of what someone faced growing up. [Kunal Shah]

4. “Your personal experiences make up maybe 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world but maybe 80% of how you think the world works… We’re all biased to our own personal history.” – Morgan Housel

Source: Ideas That Changed My Life

5. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, often considered one of the greatest writers in history, explains the importance of habits:

“It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a person’s life is made up of nothing but the habits they accumulated during the first half.”

Source: Demons

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