The balance of solving problems and enjoying life

The balance of solving problems and enjoying life

At any given time, we would have a set of problems that we have to take care of… some higher up in the list and some are still problems but can be taken care of down the line. The thing about problems is the more you focus on them, the more they pop up, and everywhere you look you would find another one that gets added to the list. Soon, you realise there are more problems than you can solve at one point, and it all becomes overwhelming.

At the other spectrum of this, is the enjoyment of life where you focus on all the good that is there in your life, in every aspect of your life, you flourish and grow even more in that environment. When you focus on all the good things, you find more things to be grateful for… and soon, you realise everything you have that you didn’t look at from that lens before. The problem with having only this perspective is that sometimes you don’t look at the problems mounting up, and you end up deceiving yourself even more daily.

The balance between the two is what we should be aiming for… an optimal path where you are aware of your problems, you know you have to solve them one by one… but also simultaneously enjoying life, finding all the good there is, and adding more to that list. When you go all out looking for problems, you find everyday life quite frustrating and you feel under pressure all the time. When you go with the latter approach, you feel there is nothing to fight for… and every day is the same. 

The middle path is where you not only solve the issues that allow you to forward, and allows you to grow, but the enjoyment aspect lets you have fun at the process and not take it as a struggle… then you’re grateful for every problem too that comes along your way which is paving your path for better things. That’s also a perspective game though, you can have this open perspective towards this approach or give it the struggling, underwhelming, under-pressure approach too, whatever suits that individual best.

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