An unnecessary step for your peace of mind

An unnecessary step for your peace of mind

Five steps is all it would take to reach the outcome you were looking for, and yet you sometimes go out of the way and add an extra step to that process, only because it gives you peace of mind. Initially, you might have reached the outcome but something must have kept ticking you off… but now, with this extra step, even if you don’t reach the desired outcome, you’re still okay because that extra step was of that much value to you.

Something like this may go unnoticed at times by yourself too… because there are times you are only aiming for that outcome, and sometimes only aiming for that peace of mind, if not both. It applies to all aspects of life, even the most micro of things, and the macro too.

When you evaluate, you can sense that maybe the outcome isn’t your goal, but when you’re walking down a particular path, you should get some peace of mind, out of it. Even if that means taking a long cut, taking five additional turns, postponing something, not doing something at all, putting yourself out there, or protecting yourself from everybody, the examples are endless, but we can do anything and everything for that peace of mind.

Not everybody would be supportive of this, and not everybody would opt for it either… the decision for a step of this sort can only be taken by yourself because you’re able to evaluate what gives you that peace of mind. And if it is something additional, then you would still go for it, irrespective of the diversion in the path.

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