Evaluating your speed

Evaluating your speed

When you drive a car, you notice that you cannot drive at one constant speed all the time… keeping the traffic in mind, the width of the road, and the number of turns to be taken, you would have to accelerate and brake keeping those factors in mind, thereby being at a higher speed at times and at a much lower speed at other times.

Just like driving, even in life, you must constantly evaluate the speed with which you proceed. In micro terms, the speed of the daily tasks/ micro goals, that take less time to achieve… you have to manoeuvre and increase your speed with these ones… on the other hand, the macro goals, which take much longer to accomplish, are the ones where you have to up and down the speed as and when the factors are in your favour, so you can maintain a healthy pace when you’re getting there.

But it’s not only about the achievements and the ticking off of the items. How you approach a particular day, week or month, keeping your thoughts, energy and emotions in mind, you would want to, according to those parameters, increase your speed at times and also know when to reduce the speed. Varying the speed is the most important for your day-to-day, because the better you manage it, the better you’ll be able to perform. 

You’d notice two patterns emerging out of it when you don’t. Going at one high speed will somewhere down the line bring you to a sudden halt… which we call burnout. On the other hand, going at the lowest possible speed and not increasing it at all, brings extreme laziness and reduces the urge to execute the actions you initially wanted to. 

In every aspect of your life, it is important that you constantly evaluate your speed and understand in which area you need to go fast and in which area you need to go slow… and also when you have to change your speed.