Would you live someone’s life for a day?

Would you live someone’s life for a day?

If you are given the choice to live someone else’s life for a day, would you do it and whom would you choose?

While one may be excited to jump on this opportunity and choose to live one of their favourite celebrities or mentor’s lives… let’s not forget that you won’t be only living their external fame and materialistic success, but you would also be experiencing their thoughts and emotions during those 24 hours… All their struggles and problems will be upon your head along with following their schedule for the day.

When you take into account the complete package, it is then when you can ask again, would you live someone else’s life for a day?

We are quick to admire someone else’s life, sometimes become envious of it, and sometimes judge it too. But that’s just a sliver of what you’re getting to see. Only the one living the life knows what they are putting into it and how much they are giving away. We wish to have someone else’s success but don’t take into account their weaknesses or problems.

There are times when you hide a version of yourself from yourself, so when you don’t get to see the complete you, imagine how less are others seeing around you who know you and imagine how little are you seeing from someone’s life whom you take inspiration from/ admire?

Moreover, getting to the roots of this thought, how rarely do we feel grateful for our lives having whatever we have? How rarely do we feel content with how our life has turned out to be? And whilst everyone has their own problems to feel contentment within, it is equally wrong to pre-judge/ wish to live someone else’s life and imagining that the whole time when you don’t know what the other person is going through.