So much we don’t know

So much we don’t know

Right from the beginning to our schools and colleges, from people around us to the internet, we have been constantly learning something.

Every sort of learning that occurs moulds us into something more, every day.

Some part of that learning was conscious, some subconscious. Some of that learning happened willingly and some forceful or through associativity.

And with every learning that happens, we feel we know so much… We make our decisions based on that learning and based on what’s good for us (which is again derived from that learning).

But, it’s only when you want to know more, when you open your eyes, do you realize that there’s so much we don’t know.

In comparison to what we know, there must be 99.99% more things that we don’t know. It is at that point when there’s also a realization of how little understanding do we have of things, how inexperienced we are in most things, and how much more we could be if we know more… Only if we take the effort to know more.

That realization leads to that learning, in order to grow and evolve, as an individual we must constantly focus on learning. Learning in every sector of our lives, learning the depths of mostly everything that we find interesting.

The more we learn, the more we’ll understand things around us, the more we’ll understand reality in general and ultimately everything that we do will have an impact on everything else eventually.

The more you think…

The more you think…

The more you think…

The deeper you’re able to dive into a topic…

The more answers you can search…

The biases and narratives you’re able to uncover…

Sometimes it is a hole you dig for yourself…

But often times, its a blessing than a bane…

The deeper you think…

The more of life can you understand.

Unlimited Options

Unlimited Options

What do you want in life or what can you do to get it, is a question on the minds of many.

What path should you be walking on, which turns to take and when to stop and take a breather?

Now, more than ever, the options are unlimited to decide what you can do and what do you want to do.

Now, you don’t need to do just one thing or even walk on the traditional paths.

With so much exposure to everything, and the potential, the list of options is endless to choose from.

You can experiment, you can try out different things, you can choose and then do multiple things at the same time.

The options are unlimited.

Take your time to figure it out than rushing it out.


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Life isn’t an either or game

Life isn’t an either or game

What we have been taught of life has always concluded with an either or option.

You either win or lose at life.

You’re either happy or you’re not.

You either accomplish something in life or you don’t.

It’s always an either or option that you end up measuring yourself against.

I feel, life isn’t an either or game.

Neither should it be made into one.

What this thinking avoids is the process behind reaching these either or scenarios.

The experiences, the learning, the fun – all is lost when it’s ultimately summed into an either or.

In the quest to make life into something, we forget the now, we forget the journey, we forget these moments, all for that conclusion.

Life is in the middle, in the unknown, sometimes in the light, sometimes in the dark, finding the light, not knowing the next step, failing at something and then trying again, life is all about that.

It cannot be summed into an either or game.


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What makes you unique?

What makes you unique?

Every individual has something or the other, that is different from someone else.

That is unique to them.

Could be their personality aspect, their perspective, their creative aspect, their communication style, but there’s always something that makes you particularly unique from others.

Ask yourself that question, whether you’re able to answer it. If not, then that’s something to ponder upon.

That uniqueness could be your strength that you don’t know about yet.


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When you Ask yourself for Space

When you Ask yourself for Space

You keep pushing yourself to the limits, you squeeze in every bit of energy and focus towards your goal, towards the path you’re walking on and you enjoy it as well.

However, there are times in this process when you feel burnout, when you feel too much, when you feel you don’t want to do it anymore, but for the moment.

At such times, you’ve to listen to your mind, your body – what message are they sending you? Are you trying you to spread yourself too thin?

It is at these moments when you drop everything, kick back and just relax – don’t overthink it, don’t overdo it – just give yourself some space and then get back to it when you feel like you’re ready to go all out again.

Listen to your mind and body, and not just when it comes to working and goals, but also in terms of your lifestyle, your sleeping habits, your eating habits, your thoughts – your mind and body know more than you know yourself – listen to them.


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Digging deeper for the truth

Digging deeper for the truth

We think we know the truth, our version of it at least and we then remain content with it.

But, the truth is like an egg.

Let me elaborate that statement.

The truth we know is like the outer shell of that egg.

In order to get beyond what you know and have more clarity, you have to break that outer shell.

You have to dig deeper.

Will you find the truth?

You never know until you dig.

Until you’re curious to know more.

To explore more.

To learn more.

Until you’re ready to see beyond your own truth.

Until you’re ready to accept another perspective to your own.

For that you will have to keep digging deeper.

For the truth.

Then you can match it with what you knew before.

And be thankful that you dug deeper.


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One Plus One equals

One Plus One equals

The sooner we learn this as a society, the better we’ll be able to perform, the better we’ll be able to build relationships and the better we’ll be able to grow together.

When you ask someone,

What does one plus one equal to?

What do you think the answer is?

Someone might say, the answer is 2.

Someone might say, the answer is 3.

Someone might say, 11. They might.

Someone could answer something else, I’m not even sure of the options now.

The bottom line being, everyone has a different understanding of things, and their answers will be different too.

Not everyone will answer the same together.

That’s what we need to understand.

That and one more thing…

Not everyone wants to know the correct answer nor your explanation of it.

They’re happy with their answer irrespective of it being right or wrong.

Being right is subjective and for them, they are right.

The problem arises when two parties say we are right at the same time and then try to explain why they are.

Things escalate when they say the other is wrong.

I don’t want to say what is right or wrong here, only the understanding of it.

Beyond the Clouds!

Beyond the Clouds!

Sometimes clouds, dark clouds take over the sky, making it dark and dense.

At such moments, the sky isn’t visible, the rays of the sun aren’t visible.

It seems dark even in the lightest moments of the day.

However, what we should know is this…

Beyond the clouds, the bright, beautiful and the blue sky is still there and the sun is still shining out there.

It’s just that we can’t see any of it beyond the clouds, but it’s there.

It is so beautifully connected with life as well.

Where sometimes life is overshadowed by such dense clouds, even though temporary, that we lose our perspective of it being temporary and knowing that the beautiful life full of colours is still out there.

We just need to have a perspective of knowing what’s beyond the clouds even if we cannot see it.



When you tell yourself, that I’ll do this ‘later’, what are you actually telling yourself?

In simple terms, it means that you don’t want to do that something right now and you’ll do it at a later point of time.

Although, if you break it down, it means, that certain something isn’t a priority for you to take care of it right now.

Well, in that terms, what is the priority of that thing on a scale of 1 – 5? 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.

Well, if its anything beyond a 3, then the probability of you taking on that thing at a later point of time seems unlikely.

A simple reason is because, one, its not that important to you, second, on a day-to-day basis or a weekly basis, there will be something that is going to replace things on the priority scale of 1 and 2.

On the basis of which, things beyond 3 aren’t going to be taken care of at all.

What’s the alternative?

Either take on only one or two things at a time, so there’s no point of pushing something to ‘later’.

Or being well-organized to a point that you complete that entire list of 1 – 5, irrespective of how many other tasks or things come on to your plate.

The Dice

The Dice

Have you ever rolled the dice?

The probability is, you have.

A dice, in the form of a cube, has six numbers, from 1-6, one on each side of it.

You try rolling for a number that you wish for.

You try harder.

You try different styles.

However, when it leaves your hand and falls on the board, you never know what number is going to come up until its on the board.

You might appreciate the outcome or you might get disappointed by it.

Either or.

That dice has such a metaphorical meaning though.

To life.

Every step we take in our life, has a different outcome.

We don’t know that outcome.

Until it happens.

We roll with life, wishing for something to happen, but sometimes it ain’t in our hands.

Again, whether we appreciate that outcome or be disappointed by it is up to us.

But at least, we tried, right?